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Linda sat on one of the front seats. She'd spent the last few days locked up in her room. Her mum came occasionally, to give her food... to try to console her. So far nothing had worked. She'd lost her other half. The half that had contained her happiness. Now she was left empty. Empty of the feeling of joy. She started screaming at Rick and Ria. She snapped at her parents. She hardly ate food or drank water and she tried to never leave her room. She'd been a complete mess. Not the beautiful mess that she'd been with Haley, but a incomplete lonely mess.

Right now her mum was sitting next to her, holding her palm in hers.

'If Haley were here she would rub circles on my thighs,' Linda thought. But then again if Haley were there she wouldn't have to be where she was then.

She wouldn't have to be at her funeral. Later that day she'd called Kira. Jordan, due to shock and grief had agreed to go to the therapist. He seemed to be doing a bit better now... but it was too late.

She was already gone. And nothing could bring Linda's Hals back. Nothing.

Before the funeral, she'd sat in front of the casket for hours. Willing for her to open her beautiful chocolate brown eyes. Willing her to smile her beautiful goofy smile. Willing her to tease Linda, to say stupid things... to be her normal lively self again. But she'd lost her. Her love. Her best friend. Her universe. She remembered how Haley used to stare at the stars, but Linda would stare at Haley's eyes instead. Looking at the reflection of the stars. While Haley stared into what everyone called the universe. Linda used to gaze at her own. Her own private universe.

Linda had tied the necklace that she'd wanted to give to Haley for her birthday, it was half a heart. Linda had the other half. They said:

'Amara we.'
'are Infinite.'

Linda wore the necklace that held 'are Infinite'. Under the words, each necklace had half of the infinity symbol.

She would have loved them if she'd gotten to see them.

When her turn came, to recite her eulogy, Linda didn't even bother to plaster a fake smile on. She stiffly walked up onto the stage. She coughed a bit to clear her throat. She hadn't spoken in too long.

"I don't have that much to say. That's because: 1) I hate speeches
2) I don't want to share private moments.
I've known Haley since the day she moved to L.A. The day she moved into my neighborhood. I still remembered that little girl with big brown eyes and words that she couldn't get out of her mouth. It was always as if she had so much to say but no way to say it. That's why she used to prefer to write. That way all the words could flow out of her without a sound. I remember when she wrote me a poem. It was the first poem that she'd ever written in her whole life. She was just nine years old. She'd sat on my roof and read it out to me. I'd fallen in love with her the day I met her. But I only realized it that day. The day when I heard what she had to say. Haley Moores was a beautiful, talented and the most perfectly imperfect girl. She was my best friend. My partner in crime," she heard soft laughs and chuckles, "And my first love. This world has lost someone truly incredible."

She ended her speech and sashayed gracefully off the stage. She sat back down on her chair and allowed her eyes to glaze over. She couldn't forget Haley. She couldn't stop thinking about her. Even when she was alive it had been like this. Now that she was... dead... it was worse. So she let nostalgia drown her. She let the past devour her. 

She let herself walk down the shadows of memory lane.

Heyoz, once u guys are done with this book, if you aren't ready to let go of the characters yet, head on over to the sequel: Wlaking through the shadows of Memory Lane.

Curious about how Linda deals with Haley's death? Well go find out.

I love y'all


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