
767 16 3

Sans' POV

I looked up at the stars. My arm supporting my chin as my other hand held an echo flower. You did good kiddo. I murmured, still looking at the stars. I heard a soft giggle. Heh. I chuckled too.

Inside, I felt sad and dead. How's the surface to you all Sans?

I grunted, thinking of the park. It's great. Paps is doing fine. I heard a sigh, feeling a tingle on my teeth. Cold suddenly laid on my cheekbone, though all I did was smile. Did you find someone?

A blue tear fell when I heard "someone". No. I shook my head and sat down properly, setting down the blue flower beside me. The tears became continuous.



I heard another sigh. Please Sans. She pleaded. Please find someone. I couldn't! I yelled, cupping my own face with my bony hands. I sobbed my heart out, feeling all the anger and emotion drain away.

I felt the cold tingles again around my body. Then it became warm. I pounded the ground with my fist and growled. I took in a deep breath and relaxed again. My face turning to the usual grin.

Y/n... How's the underground? I felt her smile. It's great. I keep tending the flowers here. I checked my watch for the surface time and sadly frowned. I felt my tears come again. Instead, they vanished before the could drop. I managed a smile. Thanks. You did great kiddo. You did great.

I looked behind me, seeing a transparent figure with an outline of a human wave at me. Suddenly, it vanished.

You never left the underground did ya?

Sans X female!reader (one-shots) request!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat