Fresh!Sans x Reader

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Your POV

You walked in the campus, inhaling the light scent of roses and buttercups. Those flowers practically covered your school, thanks to the plant addicted school directress of yours. You laughed under your breath as you looked at some teenagers stomping on them. You kinda felt sorry.

Your bag weighed on your shoulders heavily, causing to to slump forward a bit. It was extra school work for your curriculum or whatever that was-

"Helllooooo, home Slice!"


You stood there frozen, as Fresh skated in front of you, a smirk on his face.

Did he just..




He slapped your butt.

Oh my god.

You muttered profanities as your face heated up, glaring at your childhood friend.


No, he didn't slap you again.

You slapped him.

Your hand tingled at the contact of his cheekbone, causing your palm to be bright red, along with his sore cheek. He fell off his skateboard, landing on his ass painfully.

You crossed your arms at him, glaring. "What the hell Fresh." You felt infuriated and embarrassed at his actions. He snorted and got up, rubbing his cheek.

"You hit hard. Feels like a truck ran over me." You felt satisfied from his answer after hearing pain in his voice. A smile crept on your lips.

He picked up his #Yolo shades, putting them on. Looking at you, he smirked playfully.

"My cheek really hurts you know."

"Really? Nice."

"Could you make it better?"

"Uh- no. You deserve that-"

"With a kiss?"

You mentally face palmed. You knew he was gonna do this but still fell in his trap. "Please?" He had this puppy face on, which made you melt but you still stood firm. "No." You answered back.

"Pretty please?"


"With a cherry on top?"

"Still- no."


"No means no Fresh."


You groaned, pecking his cheek. Butterflies burst end in your chest and stomach as you felt funny. "Fine. If it'll stop your whining." His smirk got wider, blushing purple. A triumphant look made itself on his face.

You both stood there for a good five minutes. You decided to finally break a bit of the tension.

"Now can I go?" He hopped on his skateboard, looking fuzzy. "Y-yeah." You started walking away, muttering curses at your stupidity. Why.

"Hey y/n!" You turned around, seeing Fresh smile genuinely. "Thanks for that." "Whatever looser." You shot back, though confused he didn't have his smirk on.

Shrugging it off, you headed inside the school building as the bell rang.

Sans X female!reader (one-shots) request!!Where stories live. Discover now