Cheater!Sans x reader (part 1)

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Your POV

You smiled, checking your watch as you pressed "ground floor" in the elevator, eccentric that you were gonna see Sans after a long work day. He didn't really text or call.

He called thrice a day, but now only once a week. Nonetheless, you can't help but forgive him. You loved him too much to stay mad at him for too long.

You assured yourself that he was just tired from his own work. You bought him a necklace with a cross at the bottom, made out of black steel. It was shiny, so when you saw it you just wanted to give it to Sans. You held it in a little blue box, with a red ribbon on it.

Stepping out of the elevator, you grinned, knowing it was your anniversary today. Most of your co-workers greeted you as you passed by, as you returned the favor by smiling.

You passed the park, a busy traffic, the mall, and finally your apartment. You excitedly brought out your keys, unlocking the door with a click. You opened it, hoping to see him.

But your apartment was empty, a single yellow note attached to the lamp. You felt your heart shatter a bit, your throat felt like it was getting strangled, but you smiled, looking at the note.


Sorry I won't be here on our anniversary. I had important matters to attend to.

I'll make it up to you next time,



Frowning, you threw it in the drawer where his other two notes were.

He missed two anniversaries already, but you kept your hopes up. You frowned a bit, biting your lip and not knowing not to do. You were droopy and tired, the excitement and energy you had drained away easily.

You brightened up, think you could just go to his house and visit him.

Maybe he's sick!

You perked up again, grabbing the box and rushing outside.


You giddily stood in front of his doorstep, knocking a few times.

But nobody came.

You stared at the door, confused. He would normally run up to the door in a matter of seconds.

What happened?

You shrugged and tested the doorknob. And to your surprise, it was unlocked. You felt a bit worried when you saw his living room messier, with....

Unfamiliar clothes littered around.

You felt your chest tighten as you saw female clothes on the ground. Maybe it was accidentally left by Undyne there after a sleepover. You forced a smile, clutching your box tighter.

Nothing to worry about.

You thought as you hurried upstairs, but stopped before your tracks when you heard some sounds.

A girl's voice.



You bit your lip, peeking into the room, nervousness and anxiety tore into your mind, afraid on what you may discover.

It was Sans and a female monster, half naked and making out. You felt your insides shatter, your heart tear open, and you dropped the box.

Sans and the girl widened their eyes as they looked towards you, a tight smile plastered on your face.

"Hi... Sans."

You felt a tear roll down your cheek.

And another.

And another.

And it continuously flowed down, as you covered your mouth with your hands, laughing painfully. You felt betrayed.

"Y/n, I could explain-"

"Save it."

You coldly murmured, looking at the box on the floor.

Sans winced at your tone, considering you never acted this way your whole life.

The girl gulped at you looked down, inhaling.

"I should've never trusted you."

You spat, venom lacing every single word. He flinched at you turned your heel, running towards the exit.

Sans chased after you, in his boxers, yelling out your name.

But you were already in front of the door. You faced him.

"Oh and by the way Sans."

Sans looked down, ashamed.

"Happy anniversary."

A/n: by the way, this will be like a series (cause my cousin wanted more.) so I'll post new "x readers", including part 2, 3, etc. bye!

Sans X female!reader (one-shots) request!!Where stories live. Discover now