Chapter Two

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"Ego sum familiaris. Uti me," he says again as if I should know what he's saying. Better yet as if I should be totally okay with him standing in front of me when minutes ago he was bent like a pretzel lying on the ground dead.

"Um," I reply, not knowing what to think or say. It takes a hell of a lot to make me speechless but I'll be damned if he hasn't done it.

Looking at him you'd never be able to tell he was dead a few minutes ago. His neck shows no signs of breakage, his legs either, and he seems to be breathing and functioning just fine. I still can't hear his thoughts and although I figured I wouldn't be able to, knowing he was just dead makes it ten times creepier.

"Come in," I whisper, beckoning him in with my hand. Breathing deeply, I look up to the ceiling and send a prayer up to my parents that I'm making the right decision. I need to get him inside before anyone sees him. It's clear he's not leaving and the last thing I need is for anyone to come across a fůcking zombie on my porch.   

When I look back at him his beautiful face is still blank and his pale pink lips caress the words, "Ego sum familiaris. Uti me," yet again.

Groaning, and getting super tired of that phrase, I grab his arm and pull him into the foyer, slamming the door behind him.

"Okay," I say aloud, knowing he won't respond. "I've got to figure out how in the hell I can get you out of here."

Pulling him to the living room I sit him down in a chair before sitting across from him on the couch to think. Usually when a sexy guy shows up on my front porch there's not much of this...fellowship. I'm not much for small talk; I mean we both know why you're here so let's get to it so you can leave. But now there isn't even any small talk to be had unless you count him saying the same phrase over and over.

Idea bolts through me like lightening as I scramble for my phone. I pull up an app for translation and download it not caring about the two-dollar fee. It'll be worth it if I can figure out what's going on with this guy so I can get him the hell out of here and back into the grave or tomb or wherever the hell he came from.

Pulling up the app I ask the zombie if he wants something to eat knowing full well what his response will be.

"Ego sum familiaris. Uti me," he chimes like clockwork.

"Perfect," I whisper as the translator does it's work.

It's insane to see his face the way it is. I don't think I've ever seen such a blank expression. I'm not even sure if he's blinking. I get so caught up watching to see if his eyes close my phone has to vibrate before I remember to check the translator app.

"I am your familiar. Use me," I read, confusion in my tone. What the fůck is that supposed to mean?

"Ego sum familiaris. Ut-," he starts after hearing me speak but I cut him off.

"I know I know, uti me. Enough already Patty Parrot, I get it," I gripe, sitting back in confusion.

I've heard of familiars in movies and books but never in real life. Granted, I don't know any witches aside from one but I'll never see her again...I hope. How am I supposed to use him? I mean I can think of a few dozen things I could use him for but none of them would be particularly useful right now with him in this catatonic state.

Standing to my feet I rush to my room to find my parents' grimoire, I call it grimmy for short, or long depending on how you look at it. Grabbing the book from the drawer of my nightstand I shuffle back into the living room and plop down on the couch. I've gotten to the point I tune out his repeated phrase even though he has a really rhythmic voice that's sending unwanted chills down my spine.

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