Chapter Fifteen

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*THIS IS A TRIGGER WARNING!!! There is sexual assault in this chapter. I will warn you when it starts and when it's over so PLEASE don't read the assault part if you will be upset*

"Keep what you want to do in your mind's eye. Try to harness it's nature, feel it's natural power flow through you and then will it to happen," I explain as Warin runs through the spell again.

It's his fifth time trying to turn on and drive his car with magic and he's failed each time. I can tell he's getting more and more frustrated and it's knocking his confidence. Each time he either can turn the car on and can't drive it or he moves the idle car with telekinesis by mistake. I keep reminding him that this is all a learning experience. The more he uses the magic within him, the more the powers he has come to the light. We still don't know what all either of us can do, being the last of our bloodlines, so each new power revealed should be seen as a blessing.

His loud groan splits the air, startling me. "I can't do this shȉt babe," he sighs, turning to face me, his hands on his hips. "Every time I try to do one thing, something else happens."

"Just relax and breathe. I learned most of my abilities through failing to do other things. This is a blessing in disguise baby, just keep trying. Besides if you don't get it today, it's no big deal, just don't give up," I reply from my spot on the front steps.

He nods once, renewed determination in his eyes. My attention immediately returns to the spell Katherine left behind, the parchment waving slightly in the breeze. If I have everything correct, I should be able to reinforce the boundaries set in place and give us a bit longer to train. A few weeks of extra practice won't help but they won't hurt either.

After rereading the spell a few times so that I remember it, I call Warin over. He looks a little drained so I'll probably end up doing most of the heavy lifting with this spell.

"You done already?" he asks, pointing to the finished incantation in my hands.

I nod once, handing him the spell for him to read over. He's been the perfect proofreader. I told him the other day he'd be able to write his own spells before long.

"Everything looks okay," he replies, handing the paper back to me, a frown on his face, "You sure we should do this?"

I mirror his expression before asking, "What do you mean? This spell will keep Marion out and maybe even push her back a bit. You know she's been poking at the barrier again, trying to weaken it enough to get passed. I 've been seeing her and having the dreams again-"

He cuts me off, hearing the panic in my voice. "I was just thinking maybe we should surprise her and take the fight to her instead of holding off. She's expecting us to stay hidden for as long as we can and eventually she's going to break through no matter what reinforcements we put in place. Evil always finds a way Dre and if she wants your powers as badly as you say she does nothing is going to stop her."

His words give me pause. He's totally right, she wouldn't be expecting us to strike first but how much of an advantage would that give us really? She's decades older, stronger, and more skilled than either of us so would a few moments advantage be worth our lives?

"Listen," Warin continues, grabbing ahold of my hand, "I know you've been freaked out all day from that nightmare but we can do this. If you want to do the reinforcement, I'm down but if you want to take the fight to this bȉtch, I'm also down. I want to start living my life with you properly so the sooner she's gone, the better."

He squeezes my hand in reassurance and gives me a dimple inducing smile. I know he means well but that smile sealed it for me. I have faith in us but the fear of never seeing that smile again or seeing his face twisted in agony as Marion kills him in front of my eyes has my hand clenching the spell in my hand so tight I nearly rip the paper. If I can prolong even the chance of that happening just a little bit longer it'll be worth it.

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