Chapter Thirteen

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Gerard P.O.V

Days had passed since I had seen either Daniel, or the girl who had entered the cabin with him. He was so familiar, his facial features screamed out to me- I knew him from somewhere, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I took a green bottle from the fridge, Frank was out running. I liked that he wanted to keep himself occupied, I liked that he knew that I needed space sometimes. He was the most perfect person that had ever crossed my path, and I never ever wanted to let him go. I stared out of the kitchen window, the one that looked out onto the other cabins. I liked it when Frank and I were relatively alone, we could do whatever we wanted whenever or wherever we wanted. There was no need for covering up, or pulling down blinds. If we were naked; we stayed naked.

I noticed that their cabin was oddly still. It had been for a number of days. Nobody had gone in or out the front door. God knows what they're doing, I thought to myself, finishing the bottle in my hand. Debating with myself about whether or not to open another one, I sighed and dropped the empty bottle into the bin. It clinked with other bottles that Frank and I had drank from. I leant back against the counter, watching out of the window. I wondered when Frank would get back, I couldn't stop thinking about him. He was my everything, and there was nobody that could ever change that. Nobody was able to make me feel as happy as he made me feel. He was my saving grace, my best friend, the love of my life. I decided that there was no point in staring at their cabin like a mad man, and jogged to the bathroom.

I tossed my clothes in a pile on the floor, stepping into the shower. The water ran down my body, droplets racing against each other. I couldn't tell the difference between warm or cold water; being the cold-blooded, dead animal that I am. So I settled for whatever temperature it was, welcoming the water that covered my entire body. My hair was sopping wet, covering my eyes. I moved it out of my face, staring at my reflection in the dials. My body was more defined, I looked healthier. Either my fortnightly intake of fresh blood, or my undying love for my Frankie had caused my body to change. Stepping out of the shower, I headed over to the huge mirror above the sink so that I could admire my body some more.

Each part was more defined, my drenched hair covering one of my eyes. I couldn't take my eyes off myself- I had never looked so healthy before. Maybe that's why Frankie wants so much sex, I shrugged, pulling on my underwear. I shoved my worn clothes into the laundry basket, towel-drying my hair afterwards. I smiled at my reflection one last time, before leaving the bathroom.

I sighed, wanting Frank to get home. I wandered around the cabin in just my boxers, unconsciously making my way back to the kitchen. The girl, who had entered Daniel's cabin with him, was making her way over to ours. She hadn't noticed me, but I was suddenly obliged to open it. She knocked gently on the door three times, I didn't care to put any clothes on. I opened the front door to a somewhat familiar smile, her white teeth almost blinding.

"Can I help you?" I asked, leaning in the doorway. My hair was still damp, and her eyes were traveling from every inch of my body.

"Hi, I'm Daniel's sister. Daniel, his wife and I were wondering if you and your boyfriend wanted to come over for dinner tonight?" She asked sweetly, her yellow dress made her seem childlike. I couldn't tell whether or not she was older than him, having not see Daniel close up. All I knew was that he was a creepy fucker, and I didn't really feel incredibly comfortable with him being around Frank.

"Uh-" I began, before she opened her mouth to talk again.

"I know that you don't eat human food. You drink blood, right?" She asked, subtly flashing her sharp fangs at me. I mentally rolled my eyes, just wishing that she would go away. I didn't want anything to do with her, or her freaky family.

"Uh- yeah. I'll have to ask Frank when he-" I started, just as Frank jogged up to the front porch. He smiled at the girl in front of us both, before planting an affectionate kiss on my cheek.

"Ask me what?" He said with a smile, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"You must be Frank! It's so great to meet you. My brother, his wife and I were wondering if you would like to join us for dinner tonight?" She said, that bright smile seeming oddly suspicious to me. But, Frank seemed to want to befriend her- given the fact that her brother was a creep, and probably more than that.

"Sure, what time do you want us over at your place?" Frank asked eagerly, I started to back away, to leave him to whatever it was that she wanted. He grabbed my by the band of my boxers, pulling me back into view.

"Is six o'clock okay? You don't have to wear anything special." She asked, pulling a face. Frank agreed, and we stood together in the doorway waving her off. I closed the door, picking him up.

"Frankie, I don't like the sound of this. I don't want you near him." I growled, trying not to get angry with one of the only things that I loved.

"Gee, it'll be fine. Maybe he'll apologise for scaring me." He shrugged, pulling my grumpy face down to his level to kiss me. I held him close to me, dreading the events of the evening ahead.
Song Of The Chapter- Don't Look Back by Kissing Cousins

I also feel like Don't Look Back is a good smut song, so deffo expect it later on in the story because there's deffo gonna be more smut (unless people don't like it then I guess I'll skip it?)

Don't forget to comment and vote, because it really helps me out ;)

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