Chapter Twenty-Two

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Frank P.O.V

Mikey was lovely to me on our journey to Elena's house. He had assured me that it wouldn't take too long to get there, but I felt like we had been driving for years. The scenery around the car barely changed, and of course I was bored. My mind showed me memories of Gerard and I together, happy, every time I closed my eyes. I didn't know whether to smile and be happy at them, or cry and cast myself into a depression at them. Mikey could hear my negative thoughts, every time one crossed my mind he would instantly look my way, an unhappy look on his face. I would keep my head facing the window, so that I wouldn't look him in the eye and bawl like a baby.

"You know, if you're unfortunate enough, you'll meet some of our other siblings. Elena has changed a lot of people over her time." Mikey said with a sigh. Bless him for trying to change the subject, I thought, finally gaining the courage to turn to face him. He smiled, thank God he doesn't look too much like Gerard, my mind said quickly.

"What're they like?" I saw no point in ignoring Mikey, he had helped Gerard and I in more ways than he needed to. He was a good brother to Gerard, an amazing one in fact.

"Uh, there's Alex- he's okay I guess, he's rowdy and likes to fight people. There's Elizabeth and Catherine, although they don't really come down here very often. They're up in Alaska because they're not incredibly great with controlling themselves around people," he began, most of them seemed to be quite nice, from what he told me, "There's one that I know Gerard wouldn't like you to talk to, and knowing that you're going up there, he will make an appearance. He's called Oscar, and he's a nasty, nasty little prick." Mikey hissed, it was the first time that I had seen him angry. His hands tightened around the wheel, his steering now jerky and odd.

"How come?" I found myself asking, mentally slapping myself for dragging out a topic that seemed to annoy him.

"He was the first one that Elena changed, a royal from a long long long time ago that still thinks that he has any sort of authority. She told me she changed him to punish him- although I can't see anything that suggests to me that the fucker is suffering." He growled, and at that point I knew that I had to stop. I didn't want Mikey to flip on me and toss me out in the middle of nowhere, Gerard would've been so upset with him. I didn't want to drive a wedge between them, they were the best of friends. They would do anything and everything for each other. "You can ask questions, I'm not offended. I just hate that son of a bitch." He added, trying to smile through the discomfort.

"What did he do that makes you so angry?" I asked, crossing my legs, folding my arms, eyes scanning the scene outside the car window.

"To cut a long story short, he kills people for no reason. Not people like you or I, like living humans. He likes to manipulate them, sometimes he'll keep them alive and use them as a walking talking blood bank." He sighed, making a sharp left turn. I managed not to slam my head into the window, my hands now  balled into fists.

"Damien was doing that with a woman at the cabin." I said with a frown, maybe they were working together.

"With Oscar hating Gerard so much, I wouldn't be surprised if he had managed to hunt Damien down, to teach him a few things. He's a talented hunter, Oscar, and it pisses me off." He said, he was trying his hardest to concentrate on the road, not his bubbling anger.

"I'm guessing that Damien was able to have a strong emotional manipulation over Gee, I just hope that he resists him and just slaughters him." I said, probably a little too viciously, Mikey chuckled.

"Oh yeah, it wasn't just that. He had a control over everything that went on in Gerard's mind. Even if Gerard didn't want to do anything, Damien would turn on the waterworks and manipulate Gerard into saying yes at his every whim. Reagan was just as bad, although I could see through her shallow personality. That's why I called Elena over to confirm all of my suspicions." He said.

I hadn't realised how much Damien and Reagan had been involved in both of their lives. Mikey went on to tell me that Damien was there every single hour of a fortnight at one point. I shuddered, unable to think of a time when Gerard loved somebody other than me. It made me sound like a selfish little rat, but I was already beginning to forget my unhappy life before Gerard. He had become such a huge part of my life that I was already beginning to forget what my mother and stepfather looked like- which was probably a good thing for me. Gerard was the light of my life, my everything, and I couldn't stand to think of somebody other than me being the subject of his love.

"I really hope he leaves Reagan for me, I think that it'll give me a great load of satisfaction. I wouldn't leave Gerard alone to fend for himself against those two lunatics, I promise I'll look after him for you." He said, the car engine coming to a stop.
Song Of The Chapter- Elephant by Tame Impala

I have mixed feelings about the endings I could have for this story, but I don't wanna spoil em because then I'd know which one to pick for certain XD

Lemme know what you think so far?? Don't forget to vote because it really helps me out ;)

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