Chapter Twenty-Three

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Gerard P.O.V

My eyes scanned every single shady bar as I drove past them, trying to find the perfect meal. I didn't care who it was, as long as they wouldn't be able to fight back. Somebody smaller than me, somebody weaker. Finding no luck, I knew that I had to get out of my car and go look for myself. I sighed, stopping the car down a side street. I locked it, hoping that nobody would bother to try and get into it. If they did, they'd be something like a dessert. I left my jacket on my seat, if I got blood all over myself it would be something to cover my upper torso. I slammed my door shut, locking the car, slipping the keys into my front pocket.

I focussed on the matter at hand; finding a meal. I didn't want to kill somebody completely, I only needed a pint or two to drink. Then I would have enough energy to take down Damien and co myself. If Mikey was to get there early enough, I decided that I would leave Reagan for him to deal with. It was the least that I could do, giving that she annoyed him so much. Tucking my hands into my pockets, fiddling with my keys so that I could concentrate, I began to walk. The tacky neon lights filled my eyes, scantily clad girls wandering drunkly past me. One of them looked me up and down, but she didn't interest me. Nor did any of her friends when they decided to shout dirty slurs at me. I rolled my eyes, returning my concentration to the bars to my left.

There wasn't anybody appetising to me inside them. Nobody at all. Everyone wasn't to my liking. The only person that I could stand to be around, or even talk to, was Frank. And I couldn't be with him until Damien was dead and gone- for the second time. I sighed, knowing that I needed to stop being so picky with my food. I closed my eyes, wandering into a random bar. I instantly went and bought a beer, I really needed one if I was going to get through the next few moments. I drank half of it in one gulp, not even caring for the flavour. It was cheap, probably flavourless, but all that I care about was the fact that it would hit me quickly. Fast enough to cloud my thoughts, and release the unforgiving, charming, animalistic side of me. Music blaring, I could feel my eyes change, that slight burn until the entire room seemed bigger. Everyone was a meal to me. You need to find the weakest, my mind told me, as I moved through the swarm of people.

Sitting down, I knew that somebody would find me sooner rather than later. Every person that walked past me was with somebody, somebody that cared about them. I sighed, sipping my cheap beer, eyes almost rolling back into my head. I was beyond starving now, and only god knew if I would be able to stop myself when I was feasting on them. I wiped the sweat off my brow, as a young, nerdy-looking guy sat down next to me. He looked younger than everybody else in the room, I had found my meal.

"Hi." He said awkwardly, he was sitting a little too close to me, but none of that mattered to me. What did, was the blood that I could hear coursing through his young veins.

"Good evening." I said, turning to face him. He seemed excited by the fact that I was giving him some sort of attention. I smiled at him, he was transfixed by me, I could see it in his eyes. They were magnified by his glasses, but I didn't care for looks.

"My name's Charlie, I know it's creepy, but I've been watching you for about twenty minutes. My friends didn't think that you'd talk to me, because you're so pretty." He was the anxious type. Any kind of silence in his presence and he would talk random shit to fill it. But I humoured him, seeing as I would be stealing pints of his blood in a few moments time.

"Nice to meet you Charlie, my name's Gerard. It's not creepy at all." I said with a grin, his cheeks flushed red in the dim light. "On a scale of one to ten, how drunk are you?" I asked, leaning in close to him. He pushed his glasses up his nose, his mouth lying ajar.

"I would say a solid eight or nine." He said with a stupid smile. I raised an eyebrow, leaning in a little closer to him.

"That's good enough for me." I whispered in his ear, grabbing him by the wrist. I downed the rest of my beer, whilst he waved at the group of guys that he was originally with. I rolled my eyes, as I scanned the building for a room. The only place was in the bathroom. I'd have to lock the door, and then do it. I hastily pushed him inside, closing the door, twisting the little metallic lock.

"You know, I've never done anything with a guy before. I came our recently." He said awkwardly, pushing his glasses up his nose again. I smiled, pretending to care for his little sob story.

"It's okay, I'll be gentle." I cooed, pushing him against the wall. The room was small, but that didn't matter to me. All that did, was that he couldn't see what I was doing. He was breathing heavily, I pressed my forehead against his.

"Your pupils are huge-" he began, before I took his glasses off, putting them on the sink. "I can't see." He pouted, eyes darting from side to side.

"Sssh." I said, pressing my lips against his. He breathed in quickly, probably panicking. But I didn't care, because I would soon be getting what I wanted. His blood. He wrapped his legs around my waist, as I forced my tongue into his mouth. I could feel my teeth brush against my bottom lip. Smiling wickedly, I moved down to his neck, sucking on his skin I heard him gasp loudly.

I plunged my teeth into his neck, he let out a quiet mewl. I drank from him, not feeling like I had the strength to control myself; that self-control to stop myself. I pulled away from him, wiping his blood from my mouth. I had taken as much as I had allowed myself to, I took his glasses from the sink. I put them on for him, his skin pale and clammy.

"Find your friends, get them to take you home." I said, a hand on his shoulder, staring straight into his eyes. He nodded feebly, unlocking the door, slowly leaving the room. I looked into the mirror, straight into my eyes. My pupils were still large, but I felt like I had the strength of a thousand men.

I had enough energy to fight him.
Song Of The Chapter- Flickers by Son Lux

I feel like this story will come to an end soon, and I don't know how to feel about it ):

Has everybody enjoyed it up to now? Lemme know what you think and don't forget to vote because it helps me out ;)

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