Chapter Twenty

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Frank P.O.V

The journey to my old town was a long one. I watched as the unfamiliar forests around the little car turn to familiar ones, a pang of unhappiness hitting me as we passed the county line. I sighed, sitting back in my seat. Gerard's hand was still wrapped around mine, but I couldn't help but feel betrayed. He promised me that we would be together forever, that he would never leave me. The thought of saying goodbye to him caused my bottom lip to quiver, I had to hold back a sob. I stared down at his pale hand, eyes tracing every marking on his skin. Every crease, every darker grey on that marble skin of his.

"Do you really have to leave Gerard? I don't think that I'll be able to cope without you there every morning." I found myself asking, words trembling from me being on the verge of tears. I bit my bottom lip, looking away from the front of the car. I knew that couldn't look at him without being inconsolable.

"Frankie, it would kill me if he hurt you. If he damaged you so much that it would never be okay again. Elena will look after you until I fix everything." He said, he was looking at me. But I couldn't offer him any emotion other than the one of being betrayed. I wanted to cry until my body wasn't capable of movement, I wanted to hide for so long that I would forget what the sun was like. I sniffled, his hand moving up to stroke my cheek. My mind was swimming, and I needed a distraction. Anything. The thought of Gerard leaving threatened to open old scars. Alcoholic, drug-addicted scars. "Frank Iero, o swear to God, if you do anything destructive whilst I'm gone- and I mean it- I will make sure that you suffer a consequence. I am trying to keep you from harm, and you're throwing it back in my face!" He shouted, forcefully turning my head so that I had to look at him.

"I-I'm sorry Gerard. I just don't want to have to live without you. You stop me from hurting myself." I admitted with a sniffle, finding it difficult to look him directly in the eyes. He stopped the car, pulling over at the side of the isolated road that we were traveling down. He took the key from the ignition, resting it on the dashboard. He turned to face me properly, his leg tucking underneath his body.

"Frank Iero, I want you to tell me everything that I've taught you about coping." He rested his chin in his palm, his elbow digging into his leg.

"What do you mean?" I asked dumbly, wiping tears from my eyes. He raised an eyebrow as if to say 'You know what I'm taking about'. "When you're gone, even for only for a moment, I should think about you. Even if I want to drink as much as my body can take, I should think of you, and everything that we worked for." I said, my words were hoarse and probably inaudible. But he nodded, holding his arms out so that I could embrace him. I leaned in, my tears dampening his shirt, he held onto me tightly.

"It's nothing to get so worked up about. It's only until I make things right, until I make things safe for you. Okay?" He said, holding me at arms length. I nodded, bottom lip still quivering. He lifted my chin up, pressing his lips against mine. I held his cheek, wanting to stay in this moment. He adjusted in his seat, shoving the key back into the ignition.

As we pulled down a familiar street, my eyes wandered from building to building. I remembered walking past each one- mostly in a drunken stupor. I was looking out for my old house, wondering if my mom's battered car was waiting outside. It was. The house had been painted, maybe her and Daniel are trying to keep things together. I hoped that she wouldn't notice that I was here, I didn't want to talk to her. She would probably try to blackmail me into staying- but I was leaving soon anyway. He stopped the car, taking the key out, he turned to look at me.

"Cheer up Frankie, it's only for a short while." He pouted, squeezing my cheek. I pulled a face at him, trying to stay strong for him. He opened my door for me, my legs were still coping with standing after sitting down for so long. He had my bags in one hand, linking me with the other. I couldn't help looking back at my old house, hoping that my mother wouldn't see me. I couldn't face her, the fact that I would be away from Gerard for god knows how long was emotional enough for me. He went to knock on the door, but Mikey was already opening it.

"Morning." He said with a charming smile, I smiled back out of politeness. Gerard led me inside, the familiar smell filling my nostrils. The portrait of Gerard was still on the wall, little nostalgic pictures were scattered everywhere. I could've imagined that he kept them up so that he wouldn't forget Gerard, or because he was feeling a little alone. I had stolen his brother after all.
He dumped my things down in the hallway, after giving Mikey a look to tell him to leave us for a short time. Gerard sighed, turning me to face him.

"Remember what I said to you." He said, looking into my eyes. I could feel the burning tears threatening to appear, but I told myself that I had to be strong.

"Uhuh." I said quietly, wrapping my arms around his waist. He rested his chin on top of my head, swaying from side to side. I closed my eyes, feeling that this was going to be the best that I would feel for a good few weeks.

"You know that I won't be gone for long, right?" He reminded me, his hand moving up so that his fingers could snake through the strands. I nodded, just wanting to bask in the moment.

"Just be quick, please?" I begged, I felt him grip me tighter. He would miss me, if we didn't come back together soon I knew for a  fact that we would both fall apart.

"I promise." He whispered...
Song Of The Chapter- Mardy Bum by Arctic Monkeys

Mardy Bum is the song that me and my dad sing together in the car it's great XD *stupid anecdote of the day*

ALSO, 1K ALREADY AHHHH- I wanna thank everyone for enjoying this lil sequel so far ;)

Don't forget to comment and vote because it reaaalllly helps me out ;)

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