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^ the chapter title has nothing to do with the page or anything.


Some chapters may be extremely deep, if you can't handle this please leave this book or skip...


Harry's POV~

I am suffering.

The pain is too much for me to take, i try so hard to try and make the pain go away but it doesn't work.

My black clouded mind keeps getting deeper.

I feel like I'm being choked, I truly wanted to die and be in peace.

I looked down at my arms and saw the cuts that was beginning to heal from 3 days ago. I was sat in corner of the room just struggling with my thoughts.

i thought i was a strong person but everything got overwhelming for me that i just couldn't handle it.

I can hear those voices ringing in my head very loudly.

you are a failure.

you deserve to die.

you are not wanted.

you are a disgrace.

you are ugly.

you are a anorexic whore.

you are the most depressed human being in this planet.

so go ahead, kill yourself... I'm waiting for you to give up.

I felt the tears rolling down from my eyes, I believed every word that was been said in my head. I got up and walked to my bathroom, i saw a razor just sitting there waiting for me to cut my flesh for thick blood to pour out of my tattooed arm filled with scars.

"This one is for being alive!"

"This one is for being anorexic!"

"This one is for being ugly!"

"And... This one is for being A FUCKING FAILURE!" I screamed at myself.

At this moment, i was now sobbing like a mess. I decided to leave my house, i couldn't be in there, it was too much for me to take. I jumped into my car and drove to Simon's house.

I knocked on the door as I waited for the door to open.

"Hello Har- Oh my gosh, are you okay?" Simon ask.

I nodded my head, I do trust him but i'll explain later.

"Is Chris home?" i asked since he was also living here with Simon.

"Yes, he's upstairs and Harry, whatever you are going through! It will all get better!" He said as he came and hugged me. I accepted the hugged as I smiled at him.

"Thank you!" I said.

I walked upstairs to Chris's room, i knocked on the door.

"He- Oh no, what happened Harry?" He said giving me his full concern.

I took off my jumper and showed him what i did to my arms. He looked at me as he gave a sad look. They were still bleeding, he sat me on the bed and begins to do first aid on me.

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