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"Okay, they are one their way. On the other ha- Harry, are you okay?" Jide said as he noticed Harry was rocking his body backwards and forwards.

"I'm fine, I'm trying to keep myself calm but it's not working. i am emotionally, physically and mentally panicking." Harry said as he got up and went to get a drink of water.

"I am panicking so much that i can't eat food!" Harry sighed.

"I can't help it, i'm sorry." He apologised.

"Harry, please don't apologise, it's not your fault..." JJ said to Harry.

"Thank you!" Harry said.

He heard the door bell go off as he started panicking, he went and hide as Chris went to open the door. Harry heard loads of footsteps as he saw that it was just friends, he took big sigh of relief.

"Are you okay, Harry?" Josh asked.

Harry shakes his head no, he gets up and motions them to the kitchen as they sat around the table. Chris sat next to Harry.

"Okay, i haven't been telling you guys everything because it's so difficult to put it into words, when you find it hard to understand yourself." Harry started.

"Lately, i have been having nightmares and night terrors. Mainly because you all know that i suffer with three illnesses. Which is Depression, Anxiety and Schizophrenia. When i was younger, my parents was crazy or nuts - if that's the correct word to use. I had came out on told them that i was gay. I thought they would accept me because of many different reasons but i was so wrong, they told me that they hated gay people. They would beat me and torture me." Harry stopped to fight the tears.

"They didn't accept me, they were drug abusers and alcoholics. My brothers and sisters would stand up for me but when they found out that i was gay, they went against me as well. And at the time i was already suffering those 3 illnesses and it began increasing. My ex-boyfriend , he's a you-tuber now Alfie Deyes, he would beat me in front of my parents and they would laugh at me. He tried at some point to rape me but he never ever succeeded. I felt so dirty and used." Harry stopped to wipe the tears that was falling.

"My cutting increased, my schizophrenic thoughts got stronger, my anxiety was off the scales. I'm scared to leave the house, let alone being inside it. I've been to therapy but something in my mind hasn't been discovered yet. I'm just so near and my parents along with my ex-boyfriend could come any day from now because the day is getting so near. I'm panicking because they last time i saw them, they said when they find me, they'll torture me to death." Harry cried as his friends around was crying along with him.

"I'm so sorry that you are suffering like this. No one ever deserves this! It's not fair!" Ethan said.

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