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Harry's POV~

hey harry.

I am on the bed next to Chris and we are cuddling, i came home from the hospital today and i was just completely knackered. My back was hurting every time i tried getting up but the doctor said it was just a bruise that it wasn't anything fatal.

Sometimes the pain got too intense that i would started crying and i could feel it hurting again.

I tried to ignore the pain but i couldn't, Chris was sleeping and he looked so peaceful that i didn't want to bother him with my cries. I felt my eyes tearing up from the pain, i placed my face into Chris's chest as i cried out in pain.

I'm sure Chris has already heard my cries because he woke up.

"Babe, are you okay?" He said stroking my back.

"No, my back is hurting and i'm in so much pain." I cried as I gripped tightly onto his t-shirt.

"Oh no, would it help if i massage it?" He said.

"I don't know, why don't you try it?" i told him.

He gets up and sits on my bum then began to proceed to massage my back, the best he could. I felt him get off me as he told me that he was coming back.

I laid here and waited patiently as i heard his footsteps come through the room. I feel him lay something warm on my back as it sighed with comfort of the feeling of having a warm object.

"Does that feel good?" Chris asked.

"Yes, what is it?" i asked.

"I've put two hot water bottles to see if i can release the tense muscles in the back and then i'm going to be some sort of chiropractor and see if you have stiff bones that needs popping." Chris explained.

"Have you done this before?" I asked worriedly.

"Yes, don't worry baby! You'll be fine!" Chris said as he kissed my cheek.

"Okay, my back is all yours then." i chuckled.

"That's good, now you relax and don't tense any of your back muscles." Chris said.

"Got it." I said as i relaxed my whole body.


I felt kisses on my jaw trailing down to my neck, i began to giggle as i open my eyes to see Chris laying beside me. I pull him into a hug, i realized that i felt no pain in my back.

"I feel like i have a new body! What did you do?" I said as i stretched.

"Well after i left the hot water bottles on your back for twenty minutes, i started popping some bones and you said that your lower back was hurting so it turned out when you had your fall, your bones must have popped out of place causing it to make you feel pain, i clicked your bones into place again." Chris explained.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you so much!" I said pecking his cheek.

"You're welcome!" Chris smiled.

"You could be my new doctor..." Harry smirked.

"Hello, Doctor Chris." Harry winked at Chris as he said it seductively.

Chris laughed as he tackled Harry on the bed.

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