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Harry's POV~

Today it's Valentine's day, i looked over at my boyfriend who was on the internet looking for a new camera. I in the other hand went shopping 3 days again and i have a perfect surprise for my boy Chris.

I pecked his cheek and got up, i walked to my laptop and looked at the time to see it was 12:30pm.

"Babe?" i called for him. He looked up and put the laptop to the side so he was paying attention.

"You know it's valentine's day today!" I smiled.

"Don't worry baby, i have a whole day planned for us. Actually, let's start getting ready, before you do that i want to give you something." Chris said as he reached under the bed.

He stood up and gave me a card, flowers and chocolate. I smiled as i opened the card to read it.

to my beautiful boyfriend,

today it's a day of love, love that we give to each other. love that we share among other people. you make me so happy even when you are suffering, you me smile even when i'm frowning. all i ever wanted to be is somebody to you, your smile drives me crazy, your personality makes my heart race. all of you, loves all of me, i love your flaws and imperfections. there's not a day where i don't stop thinking about you even when you sitting right next to you. i love you so much baby.

Much love from

Chris ❤️

I read the card and i smiled as there was tears falling from my eyes, i throw myself onto him as i give him a massive hug filled with love.

"That was beautiful, i love you so much!" I chuckled as Chris wiped my tears and pecked my wet cheek.

"Now, it's my turn!" I winked.

I walked to my nightstand and went inside the drawer to pull out a card and a box that a jewelry inside. I walked over to him as i handed it to him.

to my boyfriend Christopher,

i love you so much, i don't know where i will be, if i didn't have you. you make me happy even when i'm angry, you have always been there for me when i am struggling to cope. i love how you rub my back in circles when i'm sleeping, i love how you wipe my tears when i have broken down. you've been here for me since day one, you helped me to get through my illnesses that i suffer with. you make me so happy and it's unbelievable. you make me do all sorts of crazy things to you and i love how you leave trails of kisses down my neck. OH MY GOSH! don't even get my started, i just want you to know that i love you and i won't stop loving you.

I love you from,


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