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Still C h r i s ' s  P O V ~

i was now standing in front of the door that Harry was staying inside, i felt the nerves coming back to me. I took a deep breath and walked in.

I saw that he was resting with his eyes closed, i walked closer to him and i saw the bruises along with the broken bones. I sighed sadly as i saw the state of him, he was tired and just in so much stress.

I held his hand gently and I caressed it with my warm hands. I ran my hands through his hair, i touched his skin and it was still soft than ever. I looked dork at his lips and MY GOSH, they were so plump that i didn't even know how i've managed not to kiss him.

"Oh, Harry! Look at you!" I said sadly.

"I understand that you have nights where you struggle with your own flaws and i know that you find it hard to sleep at night. I wish i could have helped you so much more but sometimes i feel like i make the problem worse..." I stopped as i felt a lump growing in my throat.

"And it hurts to see you struggle like this, you don't deserve this, in fact, nobody does. I want to help but i don't know how to help sometimes and the fact that you pick yourself up when you stumble and fall. I want you to keep fighting bab- i mean Harry." I paused to wipe my tears.

"There's also one thing that i haven't told you... I haven't told you that i was stupidly in love with you! I never had the guts to say it straight to your face!" I said.

I was getting up and i walked closer to Harry's forehead, i felt his hands touch my face as he pulled me down to peck him on his lips.

"I heard everything you said! Even though you don't know how to help me but to be honest, you've helped because you would cuddle me at night and allow me to stay at your house until i was ready to go back to my own home." Harry started.

"And also, i am stupidly in love with you too!" He smiled.

I smiled like a wild fool as i pecked his lips again with happiness.

don't let me be gone | wroetomdTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang