Was he really that crazy?

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Part 2

A/N its the next day after Y/N and Tyjo first met in the hall. oh yeah P.B is a prison guard but Y/N calls them prison bitches, so p.b. Also i forgot to say but they criminals wear orange jumpsuit things like in the movies. Oh yeah sorry if theres grammar/spelling mistakes, i dont really edit my writing.

After he told me why he was here we were all sent back to out cells. I fell asleep, but one of the stupid things they do here is wake us up at 5:30 am. It really pisses me off because all i want to do is sleep my sentence off but no, we have to be awake through this hell. This is not how they make this hell hole look like on Orange Is The New Black. Well thats prison, and this is a looney bin, Whatever its still miserable.

"Wake up inmate!"  One of the P.Bs screamed at me.

"Okay im up, Jesus, you don't have to be that loud. God." I sassed. I mean if im going to be here for 10+ years, Im going to make this hell for them as it is for me.

"Shut up. Heres your clean clothes. You have 10 minutes in the bathroom until we come in there and take you out!" The P.B shouted. He gave me my clothes and dragged me out and took off my straight jacket and walked me to the bathroom.

I wasnt mad though be cause i happened to walk pass Tylers cell. I could see him through the glass (he also had a padded cell) he was wearing a straight jacket like mind. I waved at him and smiled. He laughed. The way his eyes glowed when he smiled or laugh was just enough to make butterflies in my stomach.

When we got to the bathroom the guard opened the door and pushed me in.
They always tried to be aggressive whenever they can. Its against their rules actually, i one time got away and sneaked into an office and took one of the employees manual. But thats besides the point.
I got my toothbrush and brushed my teeth. I combed my hair and washed my face then changed. My time was up so i waited in the middle of the bathroom with my hands already behind my back. They opened the door and took me away. We walked past Tyler's cell again. He wasn't there. Maybe he was also getting changed. The women and men had separate bathrooms so even if i wanted to see Tyler naked id have to be a guy.

I got back to my cell and waited to be taken to the hall for breakfast. I waited for an hour like usual. Finally they came in and took me there. I hoped to see Tyler. I got my food and searched the big room for him. I couldn't so i sat down at a table that had a decent amount of space and sat there. I watched the entrance until he finally cane in. I got up and ran to him. I really shouldn't have done that because the guard that walks around thought i was trying to hit Tyler and tackled me to the floor.

"Um, i was just trying to talk to him jeez." I said with my face pushed against the floor.

The guard got off of me. "Oh, sorry, But no hugging. You can't do that." The guard said.

I got up and dusted myself off. Tyler didn't seem to care and just walked away and left me standing at the doorway. Wow. Why would he do that? What happened. I thought we were friends. I wasn't really going to hug him, i just said that for no reason. My eyes started to water.

"Y/N, dont cry over a guy. Especially Tyler. You're better than that." I said to myself. 

I know this was a bad move but I didn't care, i left the hall. You're not supposed to leave without your guard but i left and ran into the bathroom. No one would find me there, no one goes in there during breakfast.

I walked into a bathroom stall and leaned against the door and cried.
Thats when I realized, Maybe he didn't remember me. I mean we only did talk once, He did have two purple marks on his temples and a new busted lip. Hmmm i think they zapped him before breakfast.
Damn, was he really that crazy?

Im Scared Of My Own Head. (Tyler Joseph x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now