"Your girlfriend."

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to RavenGhoul25
because they actually read this mess lol. And they are very loyal💕✨👌

Part 7.

Tyler's P.O.V

I woke up in the medical room with restraints on my neck, legs, feet, waist, chest, arms, etc. and one in my mouth.
I squirmed to get out, it obviously didn't help. I looked around. A standard medical room, white walls, hear rate monitor, an i.v in my forearm, the usual. Someone must've been watching me because right then, a doctor came in.

He took the restraint belt thing out of my mouth.

"Where in the fuck am i?" I spat out.

"In the prison, but the hospital part. Sorry about the restraints...Im supposed to do that."

"Oh, Well what happened? why am i here?" I asked while pulling against the restraints.

"Well, Your girlfriend, she choked you out and you fell unconscious. If the guard didn't step in when he did, you'd be dead." He said with a sincere look.

"Okay, well what did they do with her?"

"Shes getting treated for going 'savage' as you teenagers would say." He said using finger quotes.

"Dude, im not even a teenager, im like 28...i think...All that i know is that im in my 20's" I explained. "Can you just let me go?" I said glancing at my restraints.

"Not until we make sure that you're stable." He said flipping the papers on his clipboard.

"Im never stable." i muttered.

"Well we can put you on some meds.." The doctor suggested.

"I was, never worked." I rolled my eyes.

"Well that can just be your body reactin-"I cut him off.

"I DON'T WANT TO BE NORMAL." I screamed pulling on the restraints.

"Okay, i'm sorry...just calm down. We can send you to see your girlfriend if you want to right now?" He said frightened.

"Shes not my girlfriend." i sighed

"Well then who is she to you?" He looked me in the eye.

I couldn't think of any logical or reasonable answer. I became so frustrated with this, a hot tear began to fall down from my eye.

"Can you just let me out of here?" I began to yell.

"No." He said, he felt like he was getting somewhere with this.

I began to pull very hard on the restraints, i could feel my skin breaking and begin to bleed. My neck restraint hurt the most because it was choking me.
More tears began to fall.

"PLEASE LET ME LEAVE." I cried out.

I guess the doctor had pity on me and began to take off my restraints. Once i was free i sat up and wiped my tears. The doctor tried to say something to me but i ran out the door. I looked around and noticed there was a bathroom near me so of course i ran in there and looked in the mirror. Faded bruises covered my face. My face had a purple tint, my lips were basically black, my eyes were red. I was a mess. I made sure the door was locked and pulled off my orange t-shirt. My chest had purple marks where the restraints were and my i looked at my wrists. dark purple. i looked at my neck. dark purple. i looked at my legs. purple. i looked at my ankles. dark purple.

I sat back on the floor against the wall and cried.

"You could've done worse..." I heard a whisper.
"Listen to me..." I heard it again.

I knew what the sound was but i ignored it. It got louder and louder until it was dead on screaming in my head.
"DO IT."
I dug my hand in my pocket...what i was looking for was gone. Everything i had was gone.
"Shit." I sighed.
I looked around.
The closest thing to what i had was a small pair of nail clippers with a cuticle cutter on it. I got up and washed it really quick, the last thing i want is some skin disease.
I looked at my wrist.
"Whats one more?" It said.
"Who even cares at this point." I mumbled.
My arms were covered in cuts, same with my legs.
I sat there and cried some more.
Eventually i passed out.
I woke from what i presume was an hour later. I got up and washed my arms and legs and stood over the sink to wash my hair and face. I found a small little towel on a shelf and used that to dry off. I decided to fave the world and leave. I walked around, trying to find Y/N, so i asked a guard.

"Wheres Y/N?"

"Oh that psycho bitch? Shes in the medical hall, in room 407."

"Thanks..."I said walking away.

"Tyler, ya know that im supposed to take you back to your cell...but you've been through a lot as i can see and i really dont want to walk down like 7 hallways." He said trailing off...

"Oh." I paused. "Thank you. Really...Thank you." I said. That is the first time a guard has been kind to me in awhile.

I ran down to Y/Ns medical room.

I looked around and no one was in there. I walked in. She was strapped down to an electro shock chair.
She had red eyes.
She saw me and started to laugh.
"Get the fuck out." She laughed.
"But Y/N...Im sorry." I sniffled.
"Too fucking bad. You're lucky im tied down. if i wasnt...you'd be a dead man." She laughed.
"But just let me explain..."
"Explain what? Your little plan? You walk in with cuts all over you expecting me to feel sorry for you so you can manipulate me for something? What even do you want?" She scoffed.
"I want you." A tear fell from my eye.
"Awe how sweet. You're pathetic. Now leave or i'll tell the guard things...i'll make you regret everything you did. I'll ruin you Tyler. Now get out." She yelled at me.
I quickly left. Damn. Am i really pathetic? Why is she so pissy?
I sat against a wall thinking of what to do. I thought up another plan because plan A went south. I'll do something that will be extraordinary. I'll try to kill her. Sounds good. Then she will forgive me. Its like a "ill mess with you then you threaten me and then ill be even worse." kind of deal. Or i could just call a truce...but the first ones more fun...
Hmmm should i choke her out, poison her, beat her up until shes unconscious or i could do something even better....


Im Scared Of My Own Head. (Tyler Joseph x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now