The Perfect Couple.

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Part 12

(Before Last Chapter.)

Y/Ns P.O.V

"He's manipulative though! "

"I know i know...Buts he's such a sweetheart. That whole closet thing was cute just cuddling with him." I said back to the little voice inside my head.

This is how most of my time is spent now-a-days, just conversing with myself.

Frankly, I don't know what i should do. Im in a maximum security cell like, more secure than the more secure one i was in. All because i stabbed him. It wasn't my fault he was taunting me. Now he's here wheeling around the place. Since when does he get a wheel chair? I broke my arm and i only got a sling. Anyways, i kind of regret doing what i did. I want to blame this all on him but i love him so I can't do that.

"Wait...did you just say you love him? No Y/N, you can't."

Its not illegal to love someone...well back in 2015 it was, why was gay marriage even illegal? Thats fucked up. They are just two people in love but they happen to be the same gender, but anyways, i got sidetracked. I just wonder what Tyler's doing right now. I bet he hates me. I KNOW I WILL TRY TO SEE HIM. MAYBE HE'LL FORGIVE ME!

"Thats a very dumb plan. You'll be better off to never see him again."

"Oh whatever."

Apparently if i "be good" for a month i get to go back to my old cell. I can't wait a month to see him though.

Tyler's P.O.V:

"You get out in a week." A guard said to me while passing by my cell.

A week. One whole week! Wow, i wonder what i'll do. Where will i live? I know i have a lot of money in my bank account, ill just get an apartment. I wonder if Y/N can live with me when she gets out. Hopefully. I really like her. Shes cute but is tough.

"you realize she stabbed you right? you almost died." It said.

"Yeah well I would too if i was her." I argued.

I went back to thinking about Y/N and i. But as i was thinking i was so rudely interrupted. It was a doctor giving me my medication and he was talking about the side effects and how i can die if i take too much blah blah blah hallucinations blah blah weird dreams whatever.
After he left i got wheel around...which is fun.

-Hours later-

As i was just wheeling around the prison (because they let me do that to "get used to my chair") I saw Y/N! She looked at me and blew a kiss. She was walking to the cafeteria. I tried to wheel up to her but shes too fast. Then when i was wheeling around i saw her sneak out and she snuck into a bathroom, i followed her and we talked and talked and she told me she loves me. I told her i love her too. She said she can live with me when i get out which is exciting. We are going to be a cute couple. A normal couple. We'll read before bedtime, drink coffee in the morning together. Be the cute couple at the mall that holds hands and the couple that one of lovers isn't embarrassed to go into Victorias Secret with the 
other lover and what-not.

Whatever it may be, we will be the perfect couple.

A/N: This is a short chapter, its just to fill in the story so it can get to the intense part 😈 lol i really hope i caught you guys off guard while you continued reading this.

Im Scared Of My Own Head. (Tyler Joseph x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now