"well then what are we waiting for?"

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A/N: im not gonna lie or make up an excuse about not updating. SORRY ill try to update more. also follow me on instagram @ oh.ms.beliiever i post aesthetics and good twenty one pilots memes. sorry for my shameless self promo.

Part 3

3 days after Y/Ns meltdown.

I haven't slept in 3 days. I just always get this anxiety about if Tyler even knows me anymore. i haven't seen him in the hall or in his cells when i walk down to the bathrooms or anything. I haven't told my psychiatrist about this because apparently if you have any romantic relations with any inmate they put you in a box because the prison ward obviously hates love. Like damn its not like i'm going to bang him in the gross bathrooms. what the hell. My psychiatrist told me that shes so close to zapping me, but she has a feeling she shouldn't because in my condition she'll think ill get worse or die. She knows i haven't been eating either. She tries to give me food but i always refuse. Little does she know i'm only being nice to her so i can manipulate her to do anything i say.  I hate her. 

Ugh its time to go to the hall. At this point i don't even look for Tyler, its useless. 

As soon as i get to the hall i just sit down at a table near the doorway. This is it. I'm breaking out today. If i get caught ill just say i was having a break down and i needed to get to my psychiatrist. 

When the guard turned his back i slipped out the door way. i avoided the security cameras. As i was walking towards the secret emergency exit i found (its a hole thats in a storage closet that leads outside) As soon as i opened the closet door, Tyler was in there sitting writing on a piece of paper. 

"T-Tyler?" i froze. 

"Y/N!" Tyler said rather excited.

I shuffled into the closet and shut the door. I sat down next to him. 

"You look, awful." Tyler  looked at my face and my weak body. "i mean not like that, just you look tired and weak." He rationalized. 

"its okay, i know." I replied.

"Here." Tyler pulled out a chain that had a pendant of a moon attached. 

"Where'd you get that at ?" I questioned.

"Where do you think i was all this time?" 

"I dont know." 

Tyler turned to me and put the necklace around my neck.

I tucked it into my shirt so the guards wouldnt see it and steal it from me.

"Tyler, How did you break out?"I interrogated

"I crawled out this hole that leads outside." Tyler shifted and moved a box that covered the hole in the wall.

"So you know about that too."i said "Thats actually why im here. i was going to break out."

Tyler stood up offered his hand to help me up. "Well then what are we waiting for?"

Im Scared Of My Own Head. (Tyler Joseph x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now