Taxi Cab.

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A/N: finally a new fucking part.

Part 16

Tylers P.O.V

"We all need to have a talk."

My mom looked at me.

After a bit of confused silence my mom spoke.

"Tyler...we are going to admit you into a mental health hospital."

Everyone looked at me now.

"No. I don't want to go. Anyways don't I have to voluntarily admit myself? Ya know because im over 18?"
I was pissed and worried.

"It'll help you." My father spoke.

"I don't want to go back. I just did 5 years for something I didn't do!" I explained angerly.

My siblings all looked shocked.

"Wait what do you mean you did 5 years? Like prison?" My sister asked.

"Tyler I didn't tell them yet." Mom said rationally.

"I can tell. Anyways im not going. Not for you. Not for me. Not for Y/N." I shouted.

I was so mad I got up from the table and went to my room. I didn't unpack yet. I threw on my shoes and put everything in my bag. And then I grabbed my bag and walked right out the front door ignoring the yells of my family telling me to comeback.

As I casually walked down the street a.k.a crying as I walked.

I decided to go to that park again and I sat under the tree. I just cried...and it felt good to cry.

"Hi." A little voice said. It was a mans voice. I turned around. It was Josh.

He sat down next to me.

"Hey." I said. Trying to stop crying.

"Whats wrong Tyler?" Josh asked he seemed actually genuinely worried.

"Is any of this real?" I asked crying once again.

"I don't know." He sighed.

"My family wants me to go to the mental hospital." I choked.

"Y/N's there." Josh said.

"How do you even know her?" I don't know why I care so much.

"I was there. Before she was in prison. I was her best friend. I helped her." He was getting teary eyed now.

"What do you mean you helped her?" I was confused obviously.

"Lets go visit Y/N." Josh got up and started walking away.

I didn't care that he ignored my question. I just got up and followed him.

The walk there was silent. Except for when he told me it was visiting hours and he signed up to see her.

They let us in to go see her. And there she was. In her black hoodie and blue skinny jeans with tiny rips in them. She was sitting at the table waiting for us. We sat across from her.

"Y/N. We have to tell him." Josh said sternly looking her in the eyes.

"Tell me what?" I was confused and I wanted to know.

"Tyler. It was my fault. You were in in prison because of me." Josh said looking down at his hands that were folded in his lap.

"What do you mean?" My face was hot. My eyes were watery.

"I framed you." He replied.

"Why? How?" I cried.

"That night. You were having an episode. You were walking around town. Screaming for help. You stumbled upon me. I just got done killing someone. I didn't want to get thrown in jail so I hit you and you fell to the ground. I gave you my bloody clothes and then I slipped the murder weapon in your hand. Then when you woke up you changed. And then I hurried and left because I knew that the cops would arrest you instead of me." Josh explained slowly.

My heart crumbled. My stomach felt like an empty cave.

"Then how does my mom know i was framed?"
I just wanted answers.

"Well I sent a letter addressed to her explaining you were framed and then you did a year then got out and you just lived your life up there in Cincinnati." Josh said. He didn't seem like he regretted anything. He didnt feel bad.

Y/N just stayed quiet.

Thats when I snapped. I just got up and left. I walked the streets and found a taxi.

"Where you headed to?" The driver asked.

"As far as possible." I said readjusting my bag.

"The farthest I can go is Cincinnati. Thats four hours and a big pay."

"I dont care just please go." I choked.

He gave me a concerned look and then gave me a bottle of water. I looked out the window watching the sky fade into darkness.

-Hours later.-

"We're here. Do you wanna go to a hotel or?" He asked.

"Sure. Just a hotel." I said continually looking out the window.

We got to a hotel and I paid him and he was on his way back.

I got a room and I just laid down crying.

My phone buzzed.

It was a missed call from my mom. I decided to call her back.

It went to voicemail.

"Mom," my voice cracked, "Im sorry. I know im selfish but I don't care. Tell everyone I love them. And I love you...and before I go. I want to thank you." Then I hung up.

Then I decided to walk to the nearest store. I grabed what I needed and went back to my hotel room.

I opened the bag and grabbed the bottle. The bottle that will only save me from this hell.

I swallowed all the pills.

Reality faded. Then the world went black.

Im Scared Of My Own Head. (Tyler Joseph x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now