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A/N: I think my writings getting better. Im sorry i dont write a lot but hey 2 updates in 1 day. i deserve an award.

Part: 5

"Keep walking!" The P.B yelled at us.

"Okay. Hold your horses, My lord do you have to be so pushy?" I shouted, earning me a smack in the face.

You may be wondering why this is happening well, during mine and Tyler's prison escape session, we got caught. Whoops.
So ugh yeah, we were walking and we heard footsteps and the stupid loud-as-hell prison alarm going off. People with flashlights were looking for us. Me and Tyler tried to run away but i fell and they got me first. Tyler just gave up because "He didn't want to go without me."
So yeah here we are back at the prison, going to our cells.
Tyler and i have cells on the opposite side of the prison so they separated us and he freaked out. He started kicking his feet in the air like a three year old while the P.B's were pulling him by his arms. He started yelling
"I won't tell them what i did last night whether or not i got caught, they just might rage war on you therefore its true, i shot the general on my side of enemy lines."
I didn't understand what he meant but when the guard smacked me he also yelled "DONT TOUCH HER AGAIN." with other various curse words. Tyler is a sobbing mess. He finally got carried away out of my view but you could still hear him yelling and sobbing.
I on the other hand cooperated and they took me to my cell. They unlocked the door and threw me in there. I hit the ground pretty hard.
"Ouch." I said.
"Shut up, tomorrow you are going to be in so much pain. You and your pathetic boyfriend." The guard said.
i stood up and walked to the bars so i was face to face with the guard but the bars between us and said
"1) hes not really my boyfriend and 2) Im not going to be in pain tomorrow, you just wait." I scoffed.
The guard gave me a glare and walked away, to the direction of Tyler's cell.
From the distance i can hear the guards hitting someone and someone crying and laughing at the same time.
"My lord i swear if thats Tyler..."
i heard someone scream
"Stop. Stop, this isn't my fault, she made me do it! She forced me to go with her."
What.The.Hell. I know that was Tyler who was getting beaten. He blamed it all on me. Wow. I regret everything i said to him. Hes such a liar.
All of a sudden i heard a guard walking my way. He opened my cell and put on my cuffs and pushed me the way to Tyler's cell. Tyler ran to the bars and i was facing him on the other side of the bars.
"Oh Y/N! Are you okay? I love you so much." He cried out.
I just looked at him with a blank face. Studying his face. New scratches, a swollen lip. They did the works on this guy.
"Shut up. You're such a liar. I can believe i trusted you for a moment. Spare me the excuses. I heard what you said. You are a rotten, disgusting human. And don't blame this on your insanity." I spat.
The guards were all amused by this so they took me away and with my hands behind my back i flipped him off.
"FUCK YOU." I shouted.

Tyler yelled something back. I didn't know what he said but i certainly heard a guard kick him to the ground. He got what he deserved.

My guard took me back to my cell and instead of throwing me in and leaving he stepped inside.
"This isn't part of the usual routine." I said when i sat down cross legged in the usual corner i sit in.
"You're right. Its not but today you got on my nerves. Because of you and your pathetic boyfriend, i have to do tons of paper work tonight." The guard explained while standing over me whipping out his baton.
He started to strike me. I fell over and i was laying on the cold cement ground. He kept kicking me in the stomach,face, etc.
My screams grew so loud and my cries for help did too.
"Shut up. Aren't you used to this by now?" He kept hitting me. Another guard walked by and said "Hey, Man. Shes had enough stop."
The guard that was beating me just glared at him and went back to me being his punching bag. The guard that tried to help just walked away. At this point i just stopped trying and i passed out.
I awoke early (4am) the next morning.
I heard the loud prison alarm going off again and Tyler was in my cell shaking me awake.
My vision was blurred.
I screamed. "GET OFF OF ME. PLEASE YOUR HURTING ME STOP PLEASE ILL DO ANYTHING." I squirmed and kicked like i was having a tantrum.
I burst into tears screaming the same thing over and over again.
My vision cleared and it really was Tyler.
Tyler picked me up bridal style and carried me to a supply closet. We sat in there and he locked the door. It was pitch black and you could hear guards yelling trying to find us.
"Are we escaping?" I choked.
"No. Not yet. I just wanted to see you. I heard you take that beating yesterday, and i felt so bad. So i waited for a guard to come by, told him that i had a broken arm or some shit and i kicked him in the dick, took his keys, got to your cell and now here we are.  We are safe for awhile trust me. I just want to spend some time with you. Look, i even got some snacks, which i stole from the guards lunch. I got a clean blanket from the laundry room along with two pillows. I thought we could take a little nap and take a break from all of this prison shit." He whispered.
"Im still mad at you though. Why did you blame it all on me? Why do you lie to me?" i told him as i looked him straight in the eyes.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me so we were sitting next to each other backs against the wall. "Because...because i dont know. I love you. I do. But i dont know how to act around you. you make me feel sane and insane at the same time." His words began to stop every now and then. Hes trying to hold back tears. His eyes are red. His swollen lip has gone down but theres a scab forming, his cheekbone is a little swollen. He has cuts all over his face. Theres bruises around his neck that lead to his collar bones. Hes a mess.
Me on the other hand. I dont think i look so good.


i told her why i do this to her. Her expression changed. She had a worried look on her face.
"Then if i make you like this...Why dont you just leave me? Its clear that your better off...without me."

Its clear.

"Y/N. Don't say that. I want you. no. I need you."  I shifted my body so we were face to face. I grabbed her other hand and leaned in for a kiss.
She kissed back which, if she didn't it would've been awkward.
I turned around and laid the two pillows down next to each other and grabbed the blanket.
"Here. Come lay down." I moved and she laid down next to me. We faced towards each other. I studied her face as she studied mine. Shes beautiful. Her E/C eyes, her perfect lips, she was stunning. She had a swollen face though, but she was still beautiful. She had a fresh cut on her eyebrow, she had a fat lip (like mine) she had fresh cuts every where (like me) She got up real quick and took off her orange shirt that covered her white tank top she had underneath. Only the girls get to wear those for some reason. I copied her and took off my orange shirt. Leaving me with my bare chest. She went from happy to worried when she saw the bruises on my gut. They were mushy black bruises.
"Don't worry. It doesnt hurt much." I assured her.
"No. Ty, thats bad. Im so sorry." Tears formed in her eyes.
"Y/N. Don't cry its not your fault." I said.
Her face changed again. She got an idea. She got up and took off her tank top. But she had a sports bra on. (damn it.)
"See, now we can both worry about each other." She smiled.
I giggled. Her bruises on her stomach were barely visible but thats because it takes time to develop a full bruise. But i could tell hers were going to be bad.
I fixed the blanket and scooted closer to her. We cuddled and we totally forgot about the prison guards looking for us. Soon we fell asleep.
---Time Skip 3 Hours---

I awoke from my dream. I dreamt that he wasn't there, but she was. We were normal. He didn't bother me anymore. It was a shocker though because I didn't dream anymore. Instead of dreaming, i would just watch the backs of my eyes.

I turned to see if Y/N was awake yet. Nope. Still sleeping. Good. She needs rest. I think the guards stopped looking for me because i heard a guard from the other side if the door say "No, They are gone. My guess is-is that they escaped for good this time."

Good. Lets let them think that.

Im Scared Of My Own Head. (Tyler Joseph x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now