I Fear Myself.

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Part 8.

Tyler's P.O.V

I know. I'll just have to kidnap her and put her somewhere...like a closet and just starve and dehydrate her then when shes on the brink of death ill bring her food and water. But i really wanna hurt her. Like cut into her skin. Thats sounds fun doesn't it?

"Great idea." Blurry whispered. I used to call him it, but he made a formal introduction.

I got up and made my way to the prison wards office. I need access to something sharp.

I stepped in.

"I need something."

"How did you get in here? you're supposed to be in your cell." He said looking at my body.

"Fucking Officer 'I'm not a mean guard' let me down here." I said, hinting to the guard who basically can get fired for not taking me back to my cell.

"Well what do you need Joseph?" He said getting my file from a file cabinet...my files pretty huge.

"I need a razor." I said

"Not to cut yourself again i hope." He said hinting to my arms.

"No to shave my face. Its getting pretty scruffy. Also im going to need some soap. I dont have soap. Oh and well im at it can i get a pencil and a notebook...to write things down." I asked checking off a list in my head.

"With your behavior now? No." He said harshly.

"But ive been a good boy daddy." I whined.

"What did you just say?" He said, probably thinking im a kinky slut.

"My behavior is good, Mr. Prison Ward." I covered up.

"Because trying to escape and hiding in a closet is good behavior." He rolled his eyes.

"I literally almost died." I sighed. Touching my neck.

"Ugh that is a nasty bruise...What the hell. I'll get you your stuff by tomorrow. what did you need? Pencil, notebook, soap and a razor?" He said writing the items down.

"Yes." I nodded.

"Alright. Ill call you down when i have it. And please know you are extremely privileged right now." He said to me.

"Yes sir." I saluted and walked out.

I started walking around just until someone is going to take me to my cell.

I went back into the bathroom i found that no one uses. I looked in the mirror. Bruises, cuts, brown/red eyes. Its as if my whole appearance changed. I don't like this.

"I hate you." I said pointing to the mirror. "Fucking waste of life. Why are you even here? You should've just ended it a long time ago. You aren't worth saving." I spat looking at my reflection. Soon enough my mirror reflection changed. The whites of my eyes turned black and my brown eyes were red. My eyes had black tears falling from them. My neck turned black. I felt as if i was suffocating. Soon enough i saw my skin melt away and what remained was a skeleton.

I shook my head and squeezed my eye lids. my vision went red. All i could see was this horrible place with a red tint. I started to hit my head thinking that it will stop. I started to scream. I was afraid. No i am afraid. I fear myself. I fear Blurry. I fear the world. I can't stop shaking. Soon someone came in. They must've heard me screaming.
I collapsed onto the floor. I could feel someone trying to pick me up.

"Shit." They murmured.

I felt my eyes roll back behind my skull. My body was paralyzed. I only saw black now. I still was shaking.

Then everything stopped.

Im Scared Of My Own Head. (Tyler Joseph x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now