Family Reunion.

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A/N: I forgot to say when Tyler left to the mall he didn't need the wheel chair. Also sorry for the lack of updates. Theres a lot of shit going on but im on summer break so yay

Part 14

"Someone framed you. You believed it. You had a mental breakdown, they took you away. I didn't know where you were. The person whos in charge or whatever said you were released a week later and i thought you ran away or found someone or got an apartment and lived your life." She explained.

I was shocked. They had me believing i was a bad person. When i did nothing wrong...well except for the whole Y/N thing.

"So what did you do after you were released?"

"Called you. I was released like 3-4 hours ago."

"Wait. So you have been in there for 4 almost 5 years?" She was shocked and angry.

I nodded.

"So nothing exciting?" She asked. She really wanted to know what happened.

I thought about it and nodded.

I lifted up my shirt. Showed her the healed scar of the stab wound.

She gasped.

"This...girl. She stabbed me....Im okay."

"At least its not infected." She said then she turned on the car and started driving.

I yawned and looked at my phone 5pm. I need a nap.

I ignored my yawns and had mom update me on everything. I told her what happened in prison and Y/N and she gave me the best advice.

"Theres more to come in your life."

I said thank you to her for everything.

Later we got back to good ol' Columbus and mom drove us home.
I grabbed my bag and my mom and i walked inside. I was very nervous and i was very hesitant. I opened the door and everything changed. The couch was in a different spot, the tv was moved. The walls were painted over. Everything got to be all too much.

"I'll be right back." I rushed into the bathroom. I was surprised that i remember where everything was.

I looked in the mirror and washed my face with cold water.

Shes not telling you something. You're so pathetic. They just feel bad for you. They wished you were still locked up. Locked up with Y/N. Remember you two were supposed to be the perfect couple?

"Shut up. You don't know anything. Shut up. Stop It." I whispered harshly while banging my head with my hands on my temples trying to make it better.

Oh you miss her don't you.

"When she's stable. When she's stable." I continued trying to convince it that i'll see her soon. Thats what it wants.

My face became hot and hot salty tears rolled slowly down my face.

After a minute or so someone knocked on the door.

"Tyler are you okay?"

"Yeah, i-I'm fine i promise."

I wasn't fine. My body began to tingle. Tears were flowing down my face even faster. I felt as if I couldn't breathe. I laid down on the carpet on the bathroom floor. I lost consciousness eventually.

-Little time skip-

"Tyler-Tyler." I opened my eyes to see a blurred face standing over me. I sat up quickly afraid of what could happen. I had to leave. I looked around there was a crowd of faces that were unclear. I got up and stumbled away from the scene. I eventually found myself on the floor. I couldn't leave. I was doomed. They were going to get me. I didn't want to see this. I covered my eyes. kicking and screaming like a toddler having a tantrum. I felt someones hands pin down my legs only scaring me more.
Then hands grabbed my hands and pulled them away and pinned them down as well. I squeezed my eyelids closed. I was going to die. I accepted my fate and tried to catch a last glimpse of the word before i died. Instead of what i thought was crouching over me trying to kill me was just my mother. My siblings let go of me.

"Tyler are you okay?" My mother asked. She was very worried.

I stared blankly at her and my siblings. Worried expressions plastered on all of their faces. I tried to calm my breathing taking long breaths. I felt my heart stop racing. This was however very embarrassing. My whole family just witnessed what ive been dealing with for the past 10 years.

Im Scared Of My Own Head. (Tyler Joseph x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now