About Aquamarina Waters

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Aquamarina Waters

Born:3/19/1996 @ 3:19 p.m.

Parents: Mary Waters(Human)(died at the twins' childbirth) and Poseidon( God of the Seas, earthquakes, horses, and storm bringer)

Sibling: Maria Waters(younger twin sister)

Species: Demi-goddess

Crush: Sage Mendel(son of Athena)

Powers: Can talk to undersea creatures, can talk to horses, can cause earthquakes and storms, can transport, and can control water; her powers are almost as powerful as Poseidon's. She and Maria are blessed by every God and Goddess, so they both have some of the Gods' and Goddess.


Black curly hair, Sea-green eyes, wears a blue-green Greek dress, earrings that turn into a bluish-green shield, bracelets that turn into a green trident and a celestial bronze dual-swords,Υδατοπρομήθειας(water ways), a ring that turns into a set of Bow and Arrows that she got from Artemis,  and a necklace that turns into battle gear. They both live with Poseidon and Amphitrite. Amphitrite loves the twin girls.

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