Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

(Skip 13 years to the day)(All the Goddesses and Gods except Athena like Maria and Aquamarina, especially Hades)

(the girls don't have to address the Gods and Goddesses as Lady and Lord. They just address them as Cousin and uncle and aunts.)


Amphitrite:What sweetheart?

Maria:Can Cousin Aphrodite and Cousin Artemis come over to get Aquamarina and I ready for our birthday party?

Amphitrite:Sure, but you'll have to ask daddy.

Maria:All ready one step ahead of you. Aquamarina is asking him right now.

(With Poseidon and Aquamarina)

Aquamarina:(walks into the throne room of poseidon's Castle) Daddy?

Poseidon: Yes baby?

Aquamarina:Can Cousin Aphrodite and Cousin Artemis come over to get Maria and I ready for our birthday party? (gives him the irresistable puppy dog eyes)

Poseidon:(Can't resist the puppy dog face and gives in) Yes, but only if you ask your Uncle Z. You know the gods are really busy. With it being close to the Spring Equinox and all.

Aquamarina:One step ahead of you daddy. I had Cousin Hermes give Uncle Z a note and Cousin Hermes is supposed to be here any minute with the answer.

Hermes:(poofs in with an envelope) You were right.(Hands Aquamarina the letter and poofs back to Olympus)

Aquamarina:(opens the envelope and looks up at daddy) He said yes and they should be here in (looks at her blue watch) 3...2...1...(looks away)

Artemis:(poofs into poseidon's throne room with a puff of silver smoke)We're here. Now where's those two rascels?

Aphrodite:(poofs into poseidon's throne room with a puff of pink smoke) We're here. Now let me see my favorite little cousins.

(Maria and Aquamarina run towards the two goddesses and give them a big hug)

Both of the Twins: We're right here. (they say at the same time which causes them to burst out laughing)

(then they get changed)

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