Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

(With Amphitrite and Poseidon on March 19,1996)

Poseidon: Honey, may I ask you a question.

Amphitrite: What is it?

Poseidon: Can I keep my twin new born daughters here in the castle?

Amphitrite: Sure. Wait, what did you say?

Poseidon: I said, Can I keep my twin new born daughters here in the castle?

Amphitrite: No. Absolutely not, they should stay with their birth mother.

Poseidon: Well, that's the thing. Their birth mother died during childbirth and now they have no place to go.

Amphitrite: Oh, Alright. I guess they can stay. But let me see them first.

(Poseidon flashes out and flashes back in with two small newborn babies with a tuft of pitch black hair and bright sea-green eyes.)

Amphitrite: Oh my gods. They are so cute. What are their names?

Poseidon: This one right here with the curly hair(points to a baby with a tuft of black curly hair) is Aquamarina Waters, she's the oldest of the 2 by an 1 hr and 11 minutes and this one right here with the straight hair(points to a baby with a tuft of black straight hair) is Maria Waters and she's the youngest of the two.

Amphitrite: Okay. Well, if they're staying here we have to get a room set up for the two of them. By the way, since they don't have a mother can I be their mother?

Poseidon: Sure. Alright, let's do the rooms.

(They walk down the halls and into an empty room and start filling it with blues and greens.)

(Their room looks like the picture)

Poseidon: Now that it's done, we can put them to sleep.

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