Chapter 6 Part 3

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Chapter 6 Part 3

(continuing at the big house)

Chiron: Are you cla-?

(He was interrupted as he stared in shock when a symbol of a silver bow and arrow appeared above Taylor Hope's head)

Chiron: I guess so. All hail Taylor Hope, Daughter of Artemis Goddess of the Moon and Hunt, twin of Apollo.

(Aquamarina, Percy, and Maria bow down.)Chiron: Aquamarina Waters?

Aquamarina: What sir?

Chiron: Pop up to Olympus for me please? And Maria, can you and Percy secretly take Taylor to the Artemis Cabin?

(Aquamarina transports to Olympus, as Maria and Percy take Taylor to the Artemis Cabin)

(In Olympus)

Aquamarina:(pops into the throne room, where the Gods and Goddesses are in the middle of a meeting)

(the Gods and Goddesses look up)

Zeus: What may I help you with, Aqua?

Aquamarina:Um Uncle sorry to interrupt the meeting, but may I have a private chat with Artemis.

Zeus: Right now?

Aquamarina: Right now.

Zeus: Alright.(to the council) We will continue this meeting at another time. Now Artemis, you stay, everyone else leave.

(Everyone except Artemis and Aquamarina left)

Artemis: So, what do you need to talk about?

Aquamarina: Well....Cliffhanger

End of Chapter

What does Aquamarina want tell Artemis?

What Will Artemis say?

Find out next time in....Twin Terrors

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