Chapter 4

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   Ororo was hearing fading sounds and whispers, it was as though she was in a trance, she flickered and blinked her eyes as things were starting to become much clearer to her as she opened her eyes.
       She looked around to see where she was, it was a hospital, as she tried to get up she winced in pain as she realised she had needles stuck in her body, as she was struggling with it the nurse came in and saw her and exclaimed with a smiling face "she's awake".
       Later on the doctor came in to check on her, he asked her how she was feeling but she couldn't say anything, she was filled with so much rage and resentment towards Tony and his friends for what they did to her.
       The doctor was about to leave when she asked him "how long have i been out" the doctor turned "5 months" then he walked away. They ran a couple more tests on her before they could decide if she was fit to go home. They doctor noticed that she had a unique genetic make up which was rare and that the impact of the lightning must have charged up her DNA molecules and awoke the recessive side of her genes but he couldn't quite figure out what it was yet.
       After two days she was discharged from the hospital, she felt a breath of fresh air, she hated hospitals, the atmosphere alone was enough to make her sick. She walked down the road, she got to a park and took a seat on one of the benches. She noticed some kids looking at her in a weird way but she couldn't make out what they were looking at.
      Then a sweet little girl walked up to her and said, "you have white paint all over your hair". Ororo got up immediately and dashed to a nearby car and checked in the side mirror, she almost fainted at what she saw, her hair was like a Halloween wig, she rushed home immediately to wash what she presumed was a white paint on her hair, she washed and almost pulled her hair from the scalp but nothing changed, it was still white, she was freaking out.
         She rushed to a nearby hair store and bought a black dye with black hair spray, she dyed the hair black and sprayed it with the black spray. She dried it with a hair dryer and by the time she was through with everything it got late in the night. She was so tired, she fell into her bed and slept, as she was sleeping the hair turned white again.

ORORO MUNROE(storm)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें