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         The simulation started started exactly at 5 o'clock in the evening as they were all gathered in the training room as the training began they all scattered into different directions as laser beams and fire beams exploded in all directions, Ororo turned to the boys "you all remember how we said we would do it right?", Pathy was a bit shaken"i don't know if i can link up to that much people", Ororo patted him on the shoulder and smiled "we know your powers are not much to look out, for a telepath you are by far the worse i've seen", Pathy scrawned his face, Ororo smiled "but you are the best i know", Pathy's face lit up "really?", Ororo rolled her eyes "don't get ahead of yourself shortie", Pathy retaliated quickly "hey!!! i'm not......." a bomb blast exploded close to them.

          Robotic soldiers started walking out from no where, some of the mutants were greatly injured, while some were still holding there ground well, Ororo nodded to pathy and immediately he closed his eyes and just like sparks of flames, everybody's mind signature started appearing, soon his mind was getting clouded, he was losing focus, lots of thoughts started flowing in, emotions, fear from all over gripped him, Ororo and his brothers started shaking him to get a hold of his self, Ororo smacked him across the face, immediately the signatures started disappearing one by one, Ororo told him to focus only on the three of them, that he should try deleting others just as you would delete unwanted stuffs from your phone (at least thats how they do it in movies she had seen), Pathy tried doing what Ororo said and surprisingly it worked.

            Immediatel he got the connection of all four of them, he linked them all up at once, then he got the signatures of all the nearby enemies and transmitted it to Ororo, Porter and Kinesis and they all knew where the enemies were attacking from, jus then a robot jumped out of nowhere at Pathy and was stopped in mid air by kinesis who already knew where it was attacking from, Porter's job was to teleport Pathy out of harms way so he could keep them all linked up. Ororo used her powers to levitate herself up in the air as she blasted the robotic army with lightning, then she tried something new, the clouds began to rumble and suddenly ice spears began falling from the sky and impaling the robots freezing them, she knew their location thanks to Pathy so it was easy to mount an attack, Kinesis on his own side was using his powers to destroy the robots by tearing them apart, Porter was teleporting him out of harms way.

            Mr Adam was watcing them from a computer screen and was impressed by their team work, then he clicked something on his computer and a large door opened and footsteps started approaching as the ground shook, giant robotic sentinels started walking out like five of them, as she was in the air Ororo was sure that her jaws hit the floor from that height, one of the giants paused and punche the ground where some mutants were standing sending them all flying, another one of the robots stepped on the floor cracking it while some mutants fell into the crack. One of the sentinels was walking towards Pathy and Porter and Porter was already out of juice since he has been transporting Pathy out of the way non stop, as the sentinel clenched his fist and was about to punch them to death, when his hand stopped in mid air, kinesis was using his powers to hold him in place, but he too was also out of juice so he wasn't stable, the sentinel freed himself from his grip and smash the ground sending him flying, Ororo fired multiple thunder blasts at it but it was as though its body was shielding the blast, it turned back to Pathy and Porter as it was about to crush them, Ororo screamed (cause thats one thing she is good at nowadays) and immediately thick wild vines sprouted from the ground and wrapped the robot in place, other robots noticed this and diverted their attention towards Ororo as they all walked towards her.

           Ororo was using all her strength to hold the other robot in place and the others were at her tail, she flew away from their direction as one took a swing at her, she dodged a couple of swings as the kept coming at her, she lost her grip on the other robot as it broke free and charged for her, immediately they were about to descend on her, she placed her hand on the floor as eight circles surrounded her, her eyes changed from white to green as she was in the middle of the circle, eight vines sproted from each circles surrounding her, as the robots shot laser beams at her, the vines shielded her as they were destroyed, but new ones grew in their place, she stretched out her hands as all the sixty four vine sprang towards the robots developing thorns as they impaled all of them through their heart and Ororo channeled a lightning volt using the vines as conductors (although its not possible normally) she sent a high voltage of electricity into the robots causing them to explode and the circles disappeared as well.

          At this junction Ororo was spent, she collapsed on the floor as the simulation ended and every where went back to normal, except for the place the vines sprouted from. The place was a mess, people were passed out and injured, but at least the result was better than the last one, Mr Adam smiled as he watched some of them (those who were able to walk) walk out of the simulation, while others were carried, some like Ororo and the boys were still passed out in the room. 

ORORO MUNROE(storm)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ