Chapter 8

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     They arrived in spain quite alright, the people getting off the plane couldn't stop talking about how they almost got killed.
     Ororo and the stranger(as she calls him in her mind) boarded a taxi and drove to a certain point. When they got down, they walked to what seemed like an alley with a dead end but the man didn't stop, he kept on walking towards the wall, Ororo thought he was delusional, but she froze in shock when he walked through the wall, she ran after him, but when she got to the wall she stopped and touched it but she fell right through it.
     Once she was inside she was captivated by what she saw, there were a lot of people or rather mutants hulled up in there, she wonder what mutiny they were planning in this cramped up place, she heard one of the mutants telling a certain Mr. Adam welcome, she turned and looked, it was the stranger, he had a name after all.
      Soon everyone gathered and Mr. Adam climbed to a stage and began to address the people, he told them how happy he was to be home with them, he also went further to encourage them never to fear or lose hope for they will triumph in their battle.
       When Ororo thought it was over, he went further to say, "i want to introduce a new member to our cause, "Ororo Munroe" or rather should i say "Storm", he motioned for her to climb up the stage which she did reluctantly, the mutants got a better look at her, then one asked, "What can she do?".
     Adam smilled, "she is an elemental, she controls elements of the atmosphere or should i say 'The Weather'. There were lots of wow's, oohs and aahs. Ororo felt her head in the clouds as she beamed with pride.
      Adam took her to round for her to meet a few close people, one of them "psyphon" whose mutation was to absorb other peoples power, then there were the triplets "pathy" "porter" and "kinesis" the first was a telepath, the second a teleporter and the last had telekinetic powers.
     They showed her to a room she had to share with over 20 people, much to her dissatisfaction, she gloomily settled down until someone appeared from the wall and she jumped at the sight it, she gave a scowl, the girl that emerged from the wall showed less concern and walked away, this place was a nightmare, she wondered how many more weirdos she had to meet. She just laid down and closed her eyes, tomorrow couldn't be much worse right?

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