Chapter 14

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     In the government high facility you can see so many guards outside, it was really a big building, with a high electric fence, it was really difficult for anyone to break in or break out.
       Ororo had been tracking them for days, then she finally tracked them to the facility, mere looking at the building she lost all her guts, that was the first time she was seeing a building so big, she shook her head, no no, she had to get help.
    At the x-men mansion, some kids could be seen playing outside, some were practicing with their powers. Ororo walked right in, it was not as she expected, she thought she would see mutants guarding the entrance but all she saw was a school for the gifted, she was somehow impressed, on a second thought she wondered why she didn't request for Mr. Adam's help, but she remembered the betrayal and removed the thought from her head as she walked to the building's main entrance, she knocked on the door.
      Much to her surprise the door opened by its self and she walked right in, the most funny part was that she was walking as tho she knew where she was going, she walked until she reached a door, opened it and walked right through where she met the x-men and an old man waiting for her.
         The old man whom she came to know as professor Xavier(professor x) addressed her, "we know why you are here Ororo, but what you want to do is not going to be an easy one".. Ororo clenched her fist "i knew it wasn't going to be easy thats why i came to you for help, if i could do it myself i wouldn't be here, so will you help me or not?". Scott scoffed "how rude, you're the one asking for our help and you still have the guts to be rude, you think we've forgotten about your little charade at the market the other day". Ororo raised her head at that statement "coming here was a mistake, i'll go save them myself whatever the cost" with that she blew the door to pieces with lightning and walked away.
Back at the mutant hideout Mr. Adam could be seen addressing the mutants, "i know we've lost four of our comrades but this is not the time to be slacking behind, we must go through with our plan and nothing on earth can stop us, the age of the homo sapiens' is over, now its time for the homo superior to take over". The crowd all cheered and gave loud shouts.
     Ororo was back to the government facility, she then asked herself why she was even risking her life for people she barely knew, that was when it dawned on her that the three siblings were the closest people to her over the few days they had been together, she wasn't about to let them rot in some government facility or become someone's lab rat.
      She summoned courage and started walking towards the main gate, that was when she heard a jet engine firing, she looked up but couldn't see anything, then she saw people dropping from the sky to the ground, she looked and recognized them, there was the red haired bitch(Jean), Mr. Anger issue(Scott), a girl with black hair but had a silver lining in the middle of her hair, there was the iceman, fire guy, the disappearing bitch, and a blue fuzzball( Hank).  Ororo was relieved, at least she won't go and die alone, but she maintained her cool, and her pride sufficed, "i thought you guys weren't coming, i had the situation under control". Scott scoffed "under control? You were hiding behind this rock the whole time". They both exchanged poisonous glares at each other, before one person jumped down from the jet, it was Logan, "enough with your rants already lets get mission done with, he pointed at Ororo, you owe me a bottle of booze after this".
      They formed a line, Logan was the group leader, "we are going to attack in a group of two, Ororo you are with me, Scott you are with Jean, Robbie you are with Marie, John you are with Kitty, Hank get the jet ready incase we need emergency evacuation", with that Hank took his leave,  Logan continued "no matter what happens hold this formation, on my mark, set, go!!!!!!!!!!!".

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