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           When Ororo and the boys recovered from what happened, they looked around to see where they were, they saw that they were surrounded by familiar faces, some of them were mutants they knew, they stood up from the ground because they were all sitting flat on their asses. Mr Adam emerged from th crowd and as storm saw him she rushed at him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt "you son of a bitch, what do you think you are doing after leaving us to die" Mr Adam just shrugged "so this is the thank you i get for saving your live? do you know what would have happened if i didn't get you out of there when i did? you would have been dead! and you know why? because you guys weren't strrong enough to handle yourself out there, you were weak". Ororo felt the words hit her as she released him, she knew what he said was right and she knew she wasn't strong enough. 

        Pathy, Porter and Kinetics watched as Ororo walked away to an isolated corner, they gave mr adam a poisonous looka nd went after Ororo, she turned and looked at them" he's right you know, we weren't strong enough to hold our own out there, we were almost killed, we need to get stronger, we can't expect someone to be saving our asses anytime there is trouble, we got to train, we got to stand up for ourselves", the boys nodded, they agreed with her, they all knew that there was more to their power than they were making use of.

          Mr Adam gathered the mutants round, he was ready to put his plans into action now that they have most of their power hands back, he told them about a secret facility that he had been building underground to train mutants, he told them that they will be leaving for the facility shortly. He called Ororo outside to talk with her, she followed him reluctantly, dragging her feet and her hands on the floor in her mind. He handed her a big brown envelope, " this is what i could dig up about your parents, i hope its useful to you", Ororo took the paper eyeing him, then she turned and walked away.

           Since she didn't really know her parents, she lost them at a very young age but at least she knew what they looked like, she opened the envelope and stared at the content, she saw a picture when she was still one year old holding a small flower pot with a small sprout, she smiled as she wiped the tears off her cheek, she brought out a document containing her parents profiles where she found out that they were both mutants, her mom had the ability to control water while her dad could control water, she knew nothing about this, no wonder she had mutant genes, she could remember how her room was always decorated with beautiful flowers every morning when she woke up.

         She carefully put the documents into the envelop as a box popped up next to her, she opened it and found her small flower pot, she reached out her hand and touched it and immediately it was as though the pot sprang to life, the soil in it became healthier and a plant sprouted from it, she looked at the flower closely " it looks exactly the same as the one i used to have years ago", the flower released some kind of pink dust that scented well, except that it didn't spread round, they all entered Ororo nostrils and she coughed a bit "jeez that was toxic", shee looked around and found out that people were starting to move, the three boys came to her and told her that they were relocating to the new facility, she nodded and stood up, Pathy tapped her, what about thr box, she looked at it and saw a black leather long sleeve top and a black leather trouser, "i guess it belongs to my mom", she picked up the cloth and followed them as they all entered the portal, immediately she entered the portal and it closed, the flower in the pot whithered.

        Immediately they left the whole place exploded and a dimension opened, the masked guy stepped out and looked around, he smiled because he knew he was getting close to his prey.

bam! sorry guys for the delayed update, i usually don't have the channce, i multitask between typing this and working in the office.

please don't forget to vote!

and also let me know what you guys think of the story so far.

ORORO MUNROE(storm)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora