Chapter 13

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     Their food supply was running out and they were almost running out of tricks, they were desperate.
     Ororo was pacing about thinking about their next move, Porter was busy sleeping, Kinesis was levitating a stone, and Pathy was thinking, after a long while he finally broke the silence, "i can't believe you of a people, a professional thief at that will havd nothing, not even a back up plan in mind, you know we can't stay here for ever we need to regroup with the others". Hearing the word regroup irked Ororo and drove her insane "You see this is why i prefer to be on my own cause you can't really trust anyone, i don't even trust you guys, the people You trust are the ones who end up messing you up, so i am done trusting people, so if you wanna regroup with the people that dumped your silly ass go and regroup with them, i'm done". With that she stormed out(literally).
      Minutes after Ororo stormed out, Pathy started getting this feeling that something bad was coming for them, he couldn't really point his fingers on it, he alerted his siblings and asked them to get up and be ready to leave, as they were about to exit the abandoned building someone was standing in their way, he had a hood on but they really couldn't make out his face, what they knew was that he was dark in complexion and around the age of 20.
       As they advanced towards him they stopped in their tracks, they didn't know why or how but they just did, Pathy tried using his telepathic powers on him but nothing was working, none of their powers were working, it was when the boy raised his head that they saw what he really looked like, good looking but had two colors in his eyes, the right was red and the left purple, that was when Porter screamed out "No freaking way, what are we in the Naruto age now, that guy has sharingan and rinnegan all at once, this is awesome" His siblings looked at him in dismay, he continued "Now i see why our powers don't work on him, nothing can get past the sharingan or Rinnegan", Pathy was vexed "Cut it out we need to think of a way out of here instead of listening to you anime madness"....
        "I'm afraid no one is going anywhere" was the last thing they heard before feeling dizzy and fell down, as they fell down Kinesis dropped his special stone, the last thing they saw was soldiers swarming in to pick them up and shove them into a truck and drive them away.
    One hour later Ororo came back to find the whole place empty, she called their names and no one answered, she guessed they must have gone to do their 'regrouping', she was disappointed and a little bit sad as well, then she noticed something on the floor, it was Kinesis precious stone, he'd never give it up even though there was a knife at his throat talk more dropping it, then she notice foot prints and tire marks, that was when it hit her, they've been taken!!!!.


   A portal open and Mr Adams emerged with three other mutants one which was they living gps, they looked around and found the whole place empty. "I thought you said they were here?" She sighed "They were and something tells me they were not alone!!!!.

ORORO MUNROE(storm)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum