Been There, Done That, What's Next?

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I didn't know how I got any sleep last night, but I did. I was anxious for tomorrow to see what everyone would think of me—hopefully they would give me a little respect. I was also scared to go to sleep because of the rouge I had encountered today. Now that I knew they were out there I couldn't be careful enough. But still, somehow, I fell asleep.

My clock woke me up in the morning at seven exactly. I had to get to the haven quickly. I couldn't wait to show them what I did. I jumped to my feet and took off running. I had probably made it about half a mile before I realized I didn't bring the paw! Luckily there was no one around to see my face heat up. I raced back and grabbed it, hiding my disgust. So much for being early.

I got there at 8:23. I sighed.

"Hello. Kill any beasts?" Jessica asked cheerfully. She looked very happy today. She looked as pretty as last time, with a pastel blue dress and a pretty side braid.

"Actually, I did. How was the date with Sam?" I asked. Immediately her face turned dreamy. She looked at me with a smile and her eyes lit up.

"It was great! The date went perfect. He was so handsome and cute and super tall. He was perfect. It was probably the best night of my life!" she squealed like a highschooler.

"I'm glad for you! Keys, please?" She threw them to me.

I went into the girl's' bathroom and unlocked the janitor's closet.

"Katelynn!" I nearly shout as she appeared beside me. "You're going to give me a heart attack!"

She covered her mouth as she fell into giggles. "Sorry." Then the clipboard appeared. I was super excited.

"Number One. Did you kill any weres?" she asked. I was nearly bouncing up and down I was so excited.

"Yes yes yes yes yes!!!!" I practically yelled. A few people made eye contact with me questioning but I ignored them. She actually looked impressed, as if she didn't think I could do it, definitely not on my first couple of days. That made my heart squeeze. She started writing on her clipboard but it was turned away so I couldn't see what.

"Awesome! Now, number two. Did you hurt a rogue?"

"I don't know..." I said, trailing off. I killed it but it didn't look like he even had time to react to feel the pain.

"Rogues usually have messed up fur and are insane," Katelynn added helpfully.

"Oh. Well, I killed a rogue, if that counts," I replied. She looked at her clipboard but then nodded without writing anything done. That made me curious.

"All right," Katelynn said, finally writing something down on her clipboard. Now what was she doing?! "Question three. Did you see a rogue?"

"Yes. It was fighting with a wolf and I shot it." These were actually dumb questions. Of course I had to see one to aim my gun at it!

"One more thing. Did you bring a piece of the wolf with you?" I shivered at the word 'piece'. It was like we were talking about a toy rather than a living creature.

"I brought his paw. Is that good enough?" She nodded her head like crazy.

"That's definitely enough! Go to the Questions and Objectives to get your reward," she said, pointing as if I didn't know where it was. I nodded, pleased.

"Okay. You're done! Good job, by the way," Katelynn said cheerfully.

"Thanks," I said, but Katelynn had already disappeared.

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