Chapter Seven

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IT WAS DARK WHEN JACK approached the front door of his childhood home. It was a simple two storey house, white with blue siding, normal in his neighbourhood and just like every other house. In a strange, perplexing way, Jack wished he could fit in like his house did on the block. Although his mother told him otherwise;

"It's good to be different. Being normal and fitting into standards makes you dull and boring." But maybe being dull and boring was exactly what Jack wanted to be, because at least that way he wouldn't be bullied. He snorted. It's not like she knew about the bullying, though.

When he walked into his house, it had just began to rain and it left his dark brown hair messy and slightly damp. On his walk home, Jack had texted Felix but quickly put his phone away to think. Thinking was what he did best, but only when he didn't need to think. Not during exams, quizzes or not when he was being asked a question - he was usually found doing his thinking at important times, like in class and at the dinner table and such.

In fact, as another demonstration of this, Jack was barely paying attention when he took off his shoes and his mother saw him and let out a noise relative to the yelp of their dog, Gizmo, who was currently sniffing at his feet. He gave her a quizzical look for a moment, but as she walked toward him with a look of shock on her face, he remembered.

His face. Shit.

He really couldn't do any explaining when she questioned him, mainly because she didn't give him time to answer. "What happened to your face?!" He opened his mouth to reply, but he was too late. "Did you run into something again?" Again, he tried to explain, but she cut him off. "Did somebody do this to you??"

"I'm fine," he eventually managed to get out, which made her burst into an uproar of disapproval.

"You're not fine. Do you have a concussion..? Do you have a headache? Do you feel nauseous, are you dizzy?"

Jack tried not to seem rude, but he took a step back because she was crowding him. "No. I feel fine."

"Well what in gods name happened this time?"

He captured his lip in between both of his teeth. For a split second he considered telling her the truth, but oddly enough he didn't want Mark to be taken in by the police or anything. He didn't want to jump to drastic measures, or at least that's what he told himself the reason was, and so he did the one thing he could think of doing. He lied.

"I was at a party," he mumbled, and her face struck a dumbfounded expression. He knew what was going on in her head - Jack was a good boy, a obedient son, not a troublemaker. Why would he sneak out to a party? But this was the plan, to cover up the lie with something equally as wrong to get him in trouble regardless. "I got drunk and there was a fight going on and I kind of threw myself into it. It's completely my fault that this happened, and I'm sorry."

She gave him a long, hard look. The motherly gaze in her eye made Jack stagger a little, and he almost wanted to take back the lie but he couldn't by now. He hoped Mark was glad he took a bullet for him, the smug asshole that happened to be a good kisser. "You're grounded. No more parties, no more sneaking out. Understand?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"And for gods sake, Sean, don't lie to your mothers face." He was taken aback, but she only frowned and huffed and turned around, walking away.

Jack was left to drop his school bag to the floor. He watched her walk away for a moment, nor understanding women nor mothers - how did she know? He was just thankful she didn't pester him for the truth. He grumbled and trudged to his room, opening and closing his door.


6:15 PM – Nov. 3rd
Jack McLoughlin
Sorry about not getting back to you, I was busy.

6:15 PM – Nov. 3rd
Felix Kijelburg
It's fine. So what happened there anyways?

6:15 PM – Nov. 3rd
Jack McLoughlin
We did school work, that was all.

6:16 PM – Nov. 3rd
Felix Kijelburg
Really? Wow

6:16 PM – Nov. 3rd
Jack McLoughlin
Yeah, surprising. I don't think he hates me any less though so it's not like we're best friends

6:16 PM – Nov. 3rd
Felix Kijelburg
Thank god

6:16 PM – Nov. 3rd
Jack McLoughlin
Is Felix jealous? ;)

6:19 PM – Nov. 3rd
Felix Kijelburg
Gtg, goodnight

6:20 PM – Nov. 3rd
Jack McLoughlin

6:21 PM – Nov. 3rd
Jack McLoughlin

Bully || SeptiplierOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora