
2K 74 4

So I checked the book a few minutes ago and I saw that we've reached 1K reads

I'd just like to say thank you for everything, from encouraging to hilarious comments to simply a vote and even opening and closing this book, giving it a chance. It all helps and you guys are all amazing. 💕

Second of all, thank you for following me. On top of just reading the book, it really helps encourage me as as a writer when you hit the follow button. It tells me, 'Hey, I'd like to stay updated on what you do because you're an okay writer.' Or maybe you just followed me back because I followed you, or maybe your just a nice person and decided to help me out, but in any circumstance I have 100+ amazing followers who deserve the best writing I have to offer and you're all really nice people. I haven't seen any hate so far, only positivity and thank you so much for that.

On the particularly bad days (like maybe today, for example, with a sick stomach and headache), when all I want to do is lay in bed you know what I do? I write, because it makes me feel better and I know you all enjoy it and I love doing it. It's a hobby that's even better and more fun when there's people to read your writing, but just people you know in real life but people who stumbled across your writing on their own.

Thank you all so much.

I made this book simply because I wanted an escape. I wanted something to write, something to put my time into and a real project to work on. I didn't really expect more than a few reads because my account was small and petite, but rather quickly this story skyrocketed and I wasn't prepared at all but I couldn't be happier!

I really haven't plotted out the chapters yet, I don't have a steady plot but I know where I want the book to go and I hope you guys will stick with me while we get there.

Thank you all so much for 1K reads and 100 followers, and I know that this is just the beginning!

Also update is strictly a writing day so be prepared for a new chapter hopefully up in a few hours.

- Kyra

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