Chapter Nine

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"SERIOUSLY, JACK? Again?" Felix's frown and grumble of protest made him regret it, but it was the end of the day and he had to go to Mark's place for their project. By now, he reflected, Felix was getting slightly annoying with his constant disagreement at the mere mention of Mark, but Jack figured he was just a concerned friend and tried not to mind.

"Nothing happened last time," Jack lied, because he was a liar and even though things most definatley did happen last time, Felix didn't have to know that and it was better that he didn't. In fact, if they didn't have to do their stupid assignment together, Jack would be doing his best to avoid Mark (courtesy of the incident with his papers in the hall). But a project was a project, and school was a bitch.

"You know what that Einstein guy said," Felix frowned, "'Stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result' or whatever."

"That's the thing, I'm not expecting a different result. I don't want anything to happen." Another lie. But if Jack told Felix that he honestly wanted Mark to kiss him again, hold him close and tell him he loved him, he'd probably look at him like he was insane.

"Right. You've been looking at him that was since the incident, even when he was-"

"Felix," warned Jack sharply. His azure eyes were dark, abandoned from their usual glow - the two of them knew now to talk about the thing that happened between Mark and him in the past. When his Swedish friend looked slightly hurt, however, Jack softened slightly. "That was all in the past. We were kids - it was a mistake and it's over now."

"Right," Felix sighed unhappily, but Jack ignored it and instead glanced at the time on his phone.

"I have to go," said Jack hastily, "But I promise we can hang out after school tomorrow. Okay?"

Felix frowned, but nodded and looked off in the distance somewhere irrelevant to Jack. "Okay. Just.. don't do anything stupid."

Then there was a idiotic smile. "You have my word."


Mark's house was the same as always. Huge, expensive, and strikingly casual for a home of that wealth. The only difference was small, but when Jack noticed that this time there was a car in the driveway of the house he had to pause for a moment. He held his breath - Mark's parents were home. He'd only met his parents once before, many years ago, and it was a memory he didn't want to relive. Mrs. Fischbach's glare was fresh at the back of his mind, and he was so close to turning around and walking home.

But for some stupid reason, maybe the idiotic urge to see Mark again, he found his feet carrying him up the front steps and shockingly enough, his hand complied with the rebellious plot between his limbs and stomach to reach up and knock on the large wooden door. Shit - this was a bad idea.

And then quickly, maybe too quickly, the door was open and Jack was a visible mess. Nervous, standing there with his school bag, not ready nor willing to approach Mark's folks any time soon. But, when he looked up to see who was standing in the doorway, he didn't see Mrs. Fischbach but thankfully her son.

"What are you doing here?" Mark narrowed his eyes, voice oddly low. He looked back, and Jack was sure there was a motherly voice saying Mark's name in the background but his head was spinning so he couldn't say he was sure.

"Schoolwork?" It came out in the form as a question, but Jack was proud of himself for speaking nonetheless. Mark just let out a breath of what was interpreted as annoyance.

"My parents are home," the red headed boy growled. "You have to go."

"Mark?" And then, there was a woman at his side in the doorway, looking confused. Her gaze fell on Jack and the Irishman tried not to run away - rather, he tried not to think of running away because his mind and body were a mess and he couldn't move because his entire being was numb. "Who's this?"

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