Chapter Fourteen

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JACK didn't know how he got himself into this situation again. Almost immediately after English was over and it was lunchtime, he was walking alone to the cafeteria (Felix was home sick, the bastard). And, of course, because fate and karma and all that was a bitch, he found himself staring into the hazel-like brown eyes of Wade Barnes. 

The taller boy didn't say anything, just smirked arrogantly as he stood in Jack's way. When Jack huffed and tried to push past him, he simply moved to stand in his way again, and after three or four attempts of escape Jack was tired and fed up and done with Wade's bullshit. It was rare he was even doing anything without Mark telling him to. Jack almost wanted to stop to wonder just where Mark was, but there was a different situation at hand, a tall one with hazel eyes and a stupid little grin.

"Excuse me," said Jack in a bitchy tone. He had no problem fighting back against Wade Barnes. Just not Mark, or not with Mark around, because lets face it, Jack couldn't look him in the eye if he wanted to. Not in a situation like this. 

Wade just raised an eyebrow and snorted as if it was the funniest thing Jack ever said. He tried to escape again, but since Jack was small and Wade was huge their physical difference didn't help. Besides, Wade was also a jock and would probably catchim if he tried to run. So Jack put on his best no-bullshit look, narrowed his eyes and gazed upward into his eyes. Because Jack wasn't afraid of him.

That is, he wasn't afraid, until he heard a familiar cocky voice and the world shattered and his confidence dropped as fast as his eyes did. "Is he actually trying to put up a fight this time?" And what's worse, was Mark sounded genuinely intrigued and curious to this question. It made Jack want to grit his teeth, but instead he acted as if the ground was the most interesting thing in the world in that moment. 

"Yeah, actually," said Wade in a mockingly surprised tone. Then he snickered in his annoying, stuck-up, cocky voice and Jack knew Mark was right behind him because he heard footsteps and then silence.

"I suggest we teach him not to, then." Marks simple sentence was plain, almost sadisticly cheerful so if any authority figure were to walk by it would sound as if he were holding a casual discussion. It was simple enough, but it made Jacks blood run cold and his heart to beat a mile a minute because this wasn't right, this wasn't Mark.

And then Bob was walking up to them, and Jack instinctually backed up against a wall, thereby accidentally trapping himself. The trio were like vultures, closing in on him, and Jack couldn't help but notice Mark wasn't looking directly at him, but rather at a point on the wall right beside his face. Jack's thoughts screamed, wanting to escape into a whirlpool screeches and angry tears, but he contained himself. Look at me! Tell me you love me! Don't let them do this! 

But the cold truth hit him like a pile of bricks falling from the ceiling - Mark wasn't going to stop them. Mark came up with the idea, he was held responsible for all of this. All Jack could do was flash him a pleading look, and when that didn't do anything, close his eyes and wait.

Two seconds passed. Three. Four. Five. Jack wondered why he was still counting. But then there was a voice, a loud, booming voice that startled all of them, and when Jack opened his eyes in a flash of worry he saw Mr. Johnson, stomping towards the group. "What's going on here?!" He demanded an answer.

But Mark, of course, was quick to speak because Mark was a liar. Jack knew this firsthand. "I was just showing Jack to the gym, sir," said the red headed boy whom Jack was stupid enough to love. "The guys and I agreed to show him how to play football during lunch. The phys. ed teacher gave us permission."

But Mr. Johnson didn't question it, not for a second, because Mark Fischbach was a good kid who never lied. He just gave them a squint, then a nod of what could only be deciphered as approval, and he was marching away after muttering, "Carry on, boys."

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