Resolutions [Sosuke Yamazaki x Reader]

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[Name] stood in the corner of the bustling living room, her sweater covered hands wrapped daintily around a warm mug of hot chocolate. Gou had insisted on throwing a New Years Eve party and that everyone would be coming. [Name] was just glad that she hadn't bumped into Seijuro yet. She didn't think that she would be able to deal with bumping into him right now. Especially since everyone else around her seemed so happy, mainly those who were here with their significant others. [Name] and Seijuro had broken up months ago, but [Name] had been scared to move on. Seijuro had been her first and she was afraid of being disappointed and left behind in the dust once more. [Name] wanted nothing more than to move on and get on with her life.

It was almost as if there were a ghost of Seijuro constantly hovering over her shoulder, reminding her of the time that she felt she had wasted, since in the end it had all ended up being for nothing. That was how [Name] saw it, anyways. Sighing, she sunk further into the corner, hoping that no one noticed her. She was only her because Gou had begged her to come, to get out of the house and stop moping.

"Hey little hider," came a familiar voice and [Name] peeked to her side, seeing Sosuke approaching her, his arms encased in a complimenting black sweatshirt. Pouting, she leaned back against the wall, her [color] eyes never leaving his own.

"I am not hiding.." she mumbled.

Sosuke always reminded her of one of her favorite songs. Probably because she had secretly been crushing on him since almost before she and Seijuro broke up. 'Let me know what's real, so I can start again and learn to feel.' Those lyrics always jumped to her mind when she was down in the dumps thinking about Seijuro and Sosuke's image broke through to get her mind off of those dark thoughts.

"Then what are you doing in the corner?" he questioned, crossing his arms over his chest.

The movement caught her attention, but she simply cleared her throat softly before shrugging, sipping at her hot chocolate. Sosuke cocked one dark eyebrow at her, but decided to not pressure her anymore. [Name] was glad he had learned to not pressure her too much; otherwise, she would just clam up and never say anything about what was truly going on.

Her eyes moved over the crowd once more, making sure where she could and couldn't go should she ever decide to move out of her 'hiding corner' as Sosuke seemed to want to call it.

"Come on," Sosuke suddenly stated, taking her mug from her hands so unexpectedly that she could only blink in surprise as he set it on an end table and then began to pull her towards the center of the room. Gou had cut on some more lively music and, apparently, Sosuke and everyone else wanted to dance.

Mischievousness gleamed deep in his teal eyes as he pulled her along. [Name] knew from personal experience, being other parties that Gou had thrown, that Sosuke was a terrible dancer. However, she also knew that he liked to have fun and that meant making himself look like a fool since he couldn't actually dance. [Name] supposed that was fine, since she herself couldn't dance either. She probably looked like a fish out of water, flopping around on land. But this party was just for fun, right?

Giving over to the need to brighten her own mood, she began to dance with Sosuke and the others. It was rare moments like these that she was able to focus on something more cheery and bright than her own personal thoughts. Sosuke seemed happy enough that she had gotten out of her corner, a smile gracing his face as he watched her dance. He grabbed her and swung her around in his arms playfully.

"Aren't you glad you aren't hiding anymore?" he questioned, pressing a finger against her lips before she got the chance to protest. Scowling, she watched as he pointed above them. They had made their way into the doorway between the living and dining rooms. And Gou had, apparently, decided to hang up some mistletoe.

"Well, what do you think?" he asked softly, looking down at her.

[Name] knew what he was talking about. Sosuke had been a great friend to her these past few months and Gou had hinted at something more several times. After all, Rin was Sosuke's best friend, which meant that Gou most likely knew a lot of secrets that the two boys shared. But was Seijuro watching? Would he try to cause an issue with her because of it?

"Screw it," she grumbled to herself before grabbing Sosuke by the front of his sweater and pulling him down for a kiss.

She heard a pleasured sound come from deep in his chest before his big hands came up and cupped her cheeks, his lips parting in return to kiss her back. [Name] ignored the sounds around her, the people cheering and calling attention to them. Right now, she didn't care about any of that. She was finally able to get past Seijuro, to not care what he thought or said about what she did. And she was going to revel in it, revel in the moment and see where it got the two of them. Even if it was just this kiss. She now had proof that Seijuro wasn't such a heavy weight on her mind as she thought.

When the two broke apart, Sosuke was staring down at [Name], appearing almost breathless.

"So.. any New Years Resolutions? After all, it's not midnight yet," he stated softly.

"To stop letting Seijuro hold me back from what is in front of me," she told him, earning a smile from the dark haired man in front of her.

"Good. We can kiss on it then."

'Only an hour to go', she thought to herself. One more hour. "Why wait?" she questioned before pulling him down for another kiss.

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