Bad Influence [Sai Ficlet]

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[Name] rested her chin in her hand as she looked over at the rest of Team Seven. Honestly, they always got together to have lunch, but their lunches were always boring. All Naruto talked about was ramen while eating ramen. All Sakura did was sit there and try to get Naruto to stop eating long enough to talk with an empty mouth. Sai would insult Naruto and Kakashi... some adult he was. He just watched the whole thing happen.

Sighing, she looked down at her ramen and stirred the noodles around in the broth with her chopsticks. What would it take to get this lunch kicked up a notch? A sudden idea entered her mind and she smiled deviously, shooting a look over her shoulder at the others, who weren't paying any kind of attention whatsoever to her.

Grabbing one of her chopsticks, she stabbed it through one of the fishcakes floating around in the broth before turning to face the others. Carefully aiming her chopstick, she flicked her wrist forward and send the fishcake flying. Right at Naruto's forehead.

The blond stuttered in shock when the fishcake fell into his ramen before he glared over at her.

“You!” he yelled, stabbing the same fishcake and trying to launch it at her.

However, instead of hitting [Name], it smacked Sakura right in the eye. The pink haired girl glared at Naruto, her fists balling up in annoyance.

“That's it!” she shouted, grabbing her bowl of ramen and chucking it at Naruto's head. He barely dodged it in time, although the sound of the shattering bowl caught Kakashi's attention.

“Hey now, settle do-”

Naruto had sent a piece of meat flying and it ended up hitting Kakashi in the temple. Sighing, Kakashi turned his gaze down to his bowl, grabbing more of the ramen with his chopsticks.

“I thought I taught you two better than that,” Kakashi stated, suddenly disappearing before reappearing behind Naruto and dropping the ramen down the back of his shirt.

[Name] watched this all with a look of amusement on her face while Sai turned to look at her. “Why did you do that?” he questioned.

Shrugging, [Name] grabbed some of her ramen up and nibbled at it before answering him.

“This lunch was boring. I wanted to spice it up,” she stated, looking over at Sai once more, who was now grinning at her.

“Is that so?” he questioned.

[Name] felt a presence behind her right before she felt something wet being poured over her head. Gasping, she turned and glared at what was obviously a clone of Sai.

“You are a bad influence, [Name],” Sai stated before turning back to his ramen, knowing that she was going to retaliate against him. Oddly though, he was looking forward to it.

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