Act 1: Nightmare

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(Sans pov) much pain. That's all I remember. Ugh.........I feel like vomiting, what happened?

I open my eye sockets, all I can see is white. (blinks) "'s papyrus," I whimpered to myself as a tall blurry figure moved in front of me.

"You really are a MONSTER, aren't you? SANS?" Papyrus's words buzzed through my skull,.....wait.......what? "I do not know what, why, or how THAT happened, but after you recover.....(Papyrus in hales for what seems like an eternity) I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN! WE ARE NO LONGER BROTHERS!" Papyrus's voice boomed through the chilled and usually calm Snowdin air, what have I done?

All I could do is sob. Overcame with grief, I fell to fluffy-cold ground. More pain......perfect just what I needed. Haven't I suffered enough? I could barely find the courage to speak. I said, "b-br-brother, what d-did I do?

He swiftly turned to me, I wish he wouldn't of done that. The anger and hurt in his expression was one that I've never seen before. "You honestly do not remember?" he questioned. "I COULD NEVER FORGET! I DO NOT KNOW WHAT AMAZES ME MORE, YOUR INCOMPITENCE, YOUR LIES, OR WHAT HAPPENED! You are and have always been a disgrace to me!" I couldn't bear hearing this anymore, my head was throbbing, my soul felt like it was about to shatter, and tears were pouring from my eve sockets like ferocious waterfalls. How could I possibly help when I don't even remember what happened.

"I always ask you, what would you do without such a cool guy taking care of you? Papyrus began to sob at his own words. The soft rattling of his bones filled the calm misty air. I have never in all my years seen Papyrus this distressed, what have I been doing. "Well brother you are going to find out. I can no longer n-n-no longer stay with you. You are too dangerous. I do not want you to do something that will haunt you for the rest of your life. I can not l-love you anymore. STAY AWAY FROM ME, MONSTER!

(a humongous roar can be heard in the distance, as everything in Sans's view slips away.)

I'm falling, no...wait.....Papyrus!


What have I done?


How could I have hurt him?


My only brother.



...."SANS? Are you alright, brother?"

I woke up with a gasp, nearly jumping out of my small bed in the process. Sweat and tears were streaming from my skull like rivers, soaking my exposed tank top. "Brother, please calm down I am here, nothing can hurt you now, you're safe." Papyrus softly clamed me. "just a nightmare bro," I said to relieve him, "that's all. nothing tibia upset about." "UGH," Papyrus glared at me, "at least you're telling puns. You must be alright."

I tried to get up, but the pain that shot through my body at the speed of light prevented such movement, so I flopped back into my bed. "Oh no, Papyrus said worried, " do not rush yourself. You have been through a lot these past few days. Now, the Great Papyrus suggests that you get some sleep and relaxation. I have to go to training with Undyne, and will be back later to check on you. If you need anything, Sans call Grillby or me. He is well aware of your condition, and NO drinking." With that said Papyrus quickly tucked me in and softly shut my bedroom door.

I began to think of what that nightmare and whole conversation could mean."why can't I remember?" I thought to myself. "well I should probably get some z's in, as to not upset papyrus." It was all just a more like. Well I'll just sort it out with Papyrus later.

Speaking of which, what would I do without Papyrus. That question tore me up at the mere thought of Papyrus, my only family, leaving me. As much as I hated to think about it, this is a clue to what happened to me during these past few days. "i don't need to worry about this," I told myself as to prevent any emotional outbursts. "i do have to recover from, whatever happened. now i need to rest."

I dreamt of losing Papyrus.

My bro would never leave me....................r...i....g.....h......t.......?


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