Your Fault Dr. Gaster

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Though you are pained
And the skys are dark
Me, the blamed
Am sorry, this will leave a mark


Once, a skeleton man
Had set his sights on work
His only pursuit

Many experiments
Many implements
All ended in disaster
Your fault, Dr. Gaster


This man grew tired
To his lab, he'd always retired
Wanting... hunting...
For a precious joy
Why don't you help your father?
You little toy

Exploit the limitations
Push his boundaries
Never any childish hesitations
Force upon a human trait
New determinations

Unlock gravikenisis
See the truth behind lies
Unexpected psychosis
His powers- unfathomable- mistifies

Wanted more
Reached for the core
While thee infected by blasters...
Your fault, Dr. Gaster


Of twined creation
Though years they separate
Went on expedition
A new home to commemorate

To celebrate!
What for? What for?
For what, we implore?

...why of course...

The falling of the man!
The man?
The man who speaks in hands!Spread across infinite lands

He pushed and he pushed
Excruciation it caused
And soon he was swooshed
Physically erased, existence paused

Affects everlasting
A smile masking
Memories leaving him, faster
Your fault, Dr. Gaster


Might not be here now
Consequences won't faze him
He is so very wrong

What your fascination made
While, yes, led to satisfaction
Caused control to fade
Followed by physical mutation

He's crying in pain
The other helps in vain
Look at your disaster
Your fault, Dr. Gaster


He's gone



The story may cease
Our favorite comedian decease
But don't hate me
No matter how angsty it'll seem

But with every choice you make
The lines of time break
Perhaps in one he lives

Perhaps he's forever gone
But whatever happens
Stay strong
It's what he would have wanted

A scapegoat feels consequence
The criminal free, subsequence
Look, you're not his master
But it's not your fault, Dr. Gaster


Don't feel saddened
Even though it maddened
He's free of care
It's what's fair



Wow that took a lot out of me. This is a long-ass poem. Since I am rather fond of poetry. Now the wording may or may not be literal in every line. There is a lot of hidden meaning. You'll just have to find it if you wa t to understand the story completely.

Also, no, I will not feel threatened by you if you feel it's necessary to be angry over the ending. So what if he's dead forever. Not every story has a happy ending. But not every sad story ends sad.

Just read the poem, think about the meaning, whose point of view it is, and theorize. The point of view changes a lot in the poem. It may be confusing, but you can't give up.

Good luck!

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