Act 14: Traitorous Actions

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(Sans Pov)

I was beginning to lose sight in my right eye socket. I was stumbling back and forth, trying my best to avoid Undyne's wrath. It seemed pointless.

"This...(huff)(puff) weird," Undyne panted, "this thing...doesn't fight back in defense." She dropped her current spear and stared me down. "It almost acts like....(huff) is purposely not wanting to hurt me. Hey, beast thing, say something. Or your dead meat."

She flashed a heroic smile. Sharp pale-yellow teeth were bared at me. The look in her eyes, she was lusting over my death. It's her form of determination.

"undyne please," I spoke out, but only in my mind, "if you only knew. papyrus, what about papyrus? he'll be so hurt. undyne please!!"

"P....P...P....PAP-" I was barely mouthing my brother's name when a storm of arrows came crashing in on me. "Too late punk!" Undyne snarled at me.

This is the end. I'm so, so sorry Papyrus. Please forgive her.

Spider web like cracks began protruding from my broken eye. My 'HP' was lowered to four tenths (.4). I knew if I didn't do something soon, death would be knocking at my door.

I tried to stand back up, pain shot up through my entire body. I soon noticed I was starting to cramp in the bones.

I'm changing back. Such great timing.

Undyne once again approached my skull, something different was in her expression, regret. "Hey, beast," she squatted down, and looked me square in the eyes, "I'm actually really sorry about this. I think you're pretty interesting, and my really good friend would have even wanted to study you. You're different. And some people don't appreciate different."

She put her hand on top of my skull, moving it in circular patterns. Similar to a pet. "My king, when he was informed about you, he flipped. He was terrified for people's safety. Even though I believe you didn't do any of this on purpose."

She stared towards the sky, the shining crystalized rocks beginning to give off a low hummed glow. She looked back at me. She saw the understanding in my expression, and tears began to drip off her good eye. My bones started to get pressurized.

"Wow," she wiped away a tear, "I'm such a wimp. Like him I guess. Look it's my job. Sorry punk." Undyne stood up, gathered her spear. I tried one final time to say something, anything, to make her stop.

"P....P...P...PAPYRUSSSsss" I gave out a sighed growl of my brother's name. "W-what did you just say?" Undyne dropped her spear and I watched it dissipate into nothing.

"hhrr.....hhrr.....hrr.....hhrrr," my breathing became staggered, "hrr.....p...p....papyRUUSSS!!"

I shrieked out Papyrus's name as my pelvis shattered and slowly reformed. My head slightly shifted to normal, with every passing second. Undyne fell back, and scrambled to a tree, fear filling her expression.

My once huge and mangled feet were now bending and crackling back into place, and I was then able to stand on my two normal feet again. My newly rearranged arms grasped at my ribs, as the cruel spiked formations on my spine slammed back into nothingness.

I no longer had a tail for support, I stumbled when trying to take a step towards the trembling Undyne. Blue and yellow swirled ozone forced my head to shoot backwards, causing my body to follow. The miniature explosion landed me an additional ten feet from Undyne.

I lay there completely back to normal, naked, and exposed. I was too drowsy to move. I'd just wait for the world to catch up.

I heard Undyne uncoordinatedly stand up. She took slow, painfully slow steps towards my form. "Sans," she sounded incredibly fearful, "SANS!" She sprinted the last of the distance to me.

"Oh my god, SANS! I'm so, so sorry. I-I had n-no clue. I could of killed you," she continuously apologized as she wrapped me in a blanket from her sack, and picked me up bridal style. "Man, Papyrus is going to be so mad. Wait Papyrus. Does he know you can do that? Does Alphys know? Do you even know? SANS! Listen when your boss speaks to you."

I looked up a her, when her gaze met my right eye socket, she regretfully bit her lip. I pressed a bony, trembling hand to it, it was horribly injured. Red liquid, which I could only assume was blood, trickled down from every cranny of the wound.

"Just look at you," Undyne started to cry, "I was so close. SO CLOSE! To killing you. I can't f-forgive myself I-I-" I cut her off, "u-u-undyn-ne. i-it s-s'okay. i-i'm still a-alive. s'okaaayyyy....."

I drifted off into a restful slumber. I was in complete peace.

Then I was disturbed.

I'm sorry Papyrus.


P-papyrus p-please c-calm down.





Calm down Pap. I can heal him.


I'm a heroine Papyrus, not a villain. People look up to me.


P-pap-pyrus l-look! H-he's w-waking up!

I stirred awake, to be faced with three somber faces. Each staring with anxiety.

I couldn't see much, my right eye socket's view was completely black. I lifted a shaky hand to it, only to discover a carefully wrapped bandage around it.

"Sans," Papyrus leaned close to my face, "you are going to be fine. Do you want anything?"

"y-yes," I answered with a low toned whisper, "i want to know why you were yelling at your best friend." My expression grew with slight disappointment. My plastered smile hanging down slightly.

"I-I.........I was very upset with her. She could hav-" Papyrus was a little hesitant with answer, but I quickly cut him off.

"but she didn't. she could of, but she didn't. if she really the 'villain' you called her, then she would have finished the job."

I slowly but surely, with added support from Papyrus, sat up. And continued with my statement.

"she had the heart to tell me about her remorse and regret. you should have seen the look of complete pain she gave me, when she realized it was me," I gestured at Undyne, tears streaming down her face. Alphys comforted her, blushing when Undyne hugged her.

"You are right Sans," Papyrus gritted his teeth together, "I was way out of line there. I am horribly sorry Undyne." He faced Undyne that looked up from Alphys's embrace.

"I-it's o-ok-kay n-nerd!" I Undyne gave a huge, slightly quivering, smile.

Papyrus turned towards me and embraced me too. I could feel his souls ache, as a wave of smooth Kelly green healing magic burned away my pain. It felt so comforting, and amazing, I could sense all of Papyrus's brotherly love that was in it.

Everything felt as it should be, but I knew.

We are far from the end.


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