Act 13: Aftermath

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WARNING: There are Suicidal Thoughts!

(Papyrus Pov)

"Alphys," I called to Alphys as she examined Sans's soul, "what are we to do now?"

"Well I don't have any of my equipment, so we will need to go back to the lab," Alphys began to rabble, "we might need help transporting him. I'll call Undyne. She can h-"

"No Alphys," I disagreed with her idea of getting Undyne, "remember. Undyne is still hunting Sans down, for scaring people."

Sans body shifted in the snow, with the reminder of what he did before. He turned to face me, his expression made my soul hurt. He looked so sad and afraid.

"Do not worry dear brother," I reassured Sans as I hugged his muzzle, "I will not let anyone harm you. I promised, remember?"

"RRRRHHHhhmm," Sans gave a low rumble of agreement. At least that's what I believe it was.

"So," Alphys shuffled in the snow, "what will we do now?"

I turned to her I knew I only had two options, but I was definitely not letting Undyne near Sans. On the other hand, I'd have to leave Sans and go with Alphys. Decisions, so many decisions.

"How about," I was stating the only other option, "we go get your equipment? You and me, and we come back to help Sans here."

I displayed a happy disposition, relief washing over me. Alphys nodded her head in agreement. I walked over to Sans, "Sans, Alphys and I are going to her lab. To gather equipment............Sans?"

Sans wasn't even moving, a sign that he wasn't listening. I began to get concerned, I looked at his face. His eyelids completely closed, and his jaw slighly open.

"HHHRRrmmmm," Sans released a snore like noise that nearly caused me to collapse in surprise.

He's asleep.

I quietly crept to Alphys, trying my best not to wake Sans. She put her hand to her mouth, to hold her laughter, and we both set off to Hotland.

~(Sans Pov)~

I saw darkness. Nothing but darkness. Then I noticed the world around me changing. White, green, gray, but mostly white.


It appeared as if I was awake, but I knew I was asleep. The world seemed to revalve around me. I didn't entirely care. I felt the presence of something, like I really felt it myself. I snapped awake.

Static sounded all around me. It was maddening. I tried to beg it to stop. "RRRAAAGGG," was all that escaped from my distress. The static stopped at my aggressive tone. I shifted into a standing postion, trying my best to equally distribute my weight on all four legs.

I was keeping my vicious glare right between two trees. The place where the static was loudest. My body, on an outside view, would resemble a cat ready to pounce on its prey.

That's what I was intending to do.

I heard a noise, similar to a deep sorrowful sob. It instantly threw off my stance. I wanted to help. The sound obviously came from a person.

I slowly took one carefully planned step. Cautious with whatever might happen.

Once I was about ten feet away the sobbing stopped. I began to stuble down again, and take a nap when suddenly I heard a voice speak out.


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