1. High school

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(Picture Ruby Rose - As Ruby, because she is beautiful and is Ruby Rose :P)

Today was the first day back at high school, luckily i'm in my final year but the past few years have not been great. I'm a shy and sarcastic girl who has a few friends, not many, but cannot socialize whatsoever, also i'm bad at making friends and socializing with the friends i have.

Anyway, i walked down the hall in the middle part of the high school to see my locker and my "locker buddy" at the locker next to mine. Her name is Ruby. Oh yeah, i'm Zoe. I'm also gay (lesbian), hella gay, on a scale of 1 to 10, i'm a rainbow 11 with a unicorn on top holding the gay pride flag. Meaning: Fabulously Gay. Anyway, back to the girl, well, she's gay, like me. I talk to her sometimes just in the school hallways saying "hi," and "how's your day been so far?" And at the lockers but she is so beautiful and i get so flustered when she talks, her sweet Australian accent is amazing and her emerald green eyes are stunning. Her hair is short and a shade of dark brown or brunette, also she has a flawless skin and the coolest tattoos ever, she is also kind, funny and is sarcastic.

I met her when she introduced me to the school 3 years ago, she had been going a year before i came but she said she knew her way around the school well enough. When I saw her, I instantly thought of how beautiful she is and how her eyes sparkle in the lights. She introduced me to her as her "new locker buddy" and she showed me around the halls letting me know where the classrooms i need are, but, i didn't listen to her as i was to mesmerised by her accent and her beauty so much that I ended up getting lost and walking into the wrong classroom 4 times in the first week. 

Although i have managed to upgrade my nickname from "Lost Kid" to "Zo" within the span of 2 weeks, i'm happy with that. 

"What your timetable like this year Zo?" 

"What, sorry i was daydreaming." I replied to Ruby,

"Your timetable, what lessons do you have, maybe we have some lessons together" Ruby said, giggling.

"Uhmm...Let me see, well i have maths first today and English then chemistry then free and lunch, how about you?"

"Well, I have English then maths and Chemistry with you and...Ugh, History." She responded with a disappointed look on her face.

"So we have Chemistry together, i'll see you then, have to go catch up later? Bye oh, good luck in history, i know it's your favourite subject Ruby!" I said giggling.

"Bye, thanks for the good luck!"

A/N: Sorry this part isn't that long and sorry if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes, this is my first book and so far I hope you like it :D I also changed the name from Skylar to Ruby because Ruby Rose though and i wanted Skylar to be kinda like Ruby but not as obvious teehee...Update Soon <3

Locker Buddy (GxG GirlxGirl) Ruby Rose Fan Fiction (HIATUS)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt