6. Tears

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The year so far, although it has only been one month, has gone quickly. My girlfriend, Ruby, and I have been going out for almost a full month now and i practically live with her now, i stay at her house all the time. I also finally told my mother that she was my girlfriend and she accepted Ruby with open arms.

My timetable has set now and today my lessons are:

9:00 - 10:00 (am) English

10:00 - 10:30(am) Break

10:30 - 11:30(am) Maths

11:30 - 12:30(pm) Lunch

12:30 - 1:30 (pm)Chemistry

1:30 - 2:30(pm) Free

2:30 - 3:30 (pm) Computer Lab

Good timetable today i guess, i also get to spend my maths and chemistry sat next to my beautiful girlfriend and our free period.

"Hey gorgeous!" Ruby said, smiling

"Hey rubes" I responded as Ruby kissed me on the cheek,

"What's up babe?"

"Nothing, looking at the timetable, we have maths and chemistry together" I said showing Ruby a grin.

"Great, we have an art project due next week so i'm gonna work on that in the free lessons i have today"

"How many do you have?"

"Uhm, 2, i'll be in the art room if need me love!"

"No problem baby! See you in Maths, love you!"

"Love you too baby!" We both recieved some looks and stares of hatred but it didn't bother me as i was in love and nothing anyone against could stay to change that!

She kissed me a second time on the cheek, got her art things out of her locker beside mine and walked over to the art room, i looked back at her and walked away to the English classroom and sat in my usual seat at the back of the room. I heard someone across from me whispering and i heard them mention Ruby, as i started to listen in, I heard how they were talking about the lesbian couple in school and how "disgusting" it was.

 I wanted to shout out "I'm  just behind you, tell it to my face bitch" but i decided otherwise, that way they didn't realise i heard them so they continued talking about the "awful lesbian couple" until class started.

English was boring but we did start a new book for the syllabus, "Romeo and Juliet", we had to read  the next chapter and write an essay on "How Shakespeare uses the words used to describe characters", boring.

As the class bell rang, i noticed the time was 10:05 so i walked swiftly to my locker to collect my next lesson's books and sit in the library started my essay for English. The bell rang again for next period. I got to the maths classroom for another boring lesson and saw Ruby sat down at the desk. I sat beside her and started to talk before lesson started.

"Hey babe, did you get the art work done?" I asked.

She stood up next to me and ran out of the maths room, i ran after her, leaving out bags on the floor next to the desk. She ran into the bathroom, i followed quickly behind her and i heard her crying, she leaned against the sink, with tears streaming down her cheeks.

A/N OMG 100 Reads already <3 You guys are amazing, more updates soon!!! :D

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