7. Scared

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As i walked over to Ruby with tears streaming down her beautiful face, i hugged her from behind and asked her if everything is okay.

"I'm sorry, just ignore me, i'm fine." She said wiping her tears away.

"Baby, you're not okay, what happened?"

"Nothing, i'm just tired." She said, lying.

"I know you well enough what happened? You know i'm here for you?" I said kissing her on the cheek

She lifted the bottom of her shirt up and glanced down at her swollen ribs and bruised stomach.

"Rubes, please tell me what happened, i'll take you to the emergency room" I said as my eyes became teary looking at her injury.

"NO, please, just...Let's go home" 

"Why? I want to protect you!"

"I'm not going to the ER, please love, just home, i'll tell you then, please."

"Fine," I said holding onto her "let's go to the car"

We walked over to the car which was close to the parking area and i sat her inside the passenger seat.

We got to her house and i helped her out of the car. As she was walking to the door, i noticed her limping and as she unlocked and opened the door, she was shaking.

I sat her down on her sofa and as her mother was at work, she wasn't in the house at the time. I ran over to the freezer and grabbed and ice pack she had. 
"Baby this will hurt slightly!" I said placing the ice pack on her stomach and rib cage. She flinched "Arghh", but after a couple of seconds accepted the coldness as i held it to her.

"What happened, i hate seeing you like this!" I said kissing her forehead.

"On my way to the library, someone pulled me into the classroom nearby that was empty, shut the blind and pushed me onto the desk." I hugged her as i saw tears form in her blue/green eyes.

"Another person walked in the room and the cornered me. They pushed me to the ground and started to kick and punch me in the chest, tummy and legs." She was crying so much now. "They called me stupid names and stuff like whore and faggot but that wasn't effective, so they told me t-that... no one... would ever... l-love me, you're... n-never going to love me." I held her face with both hands and kissed her passionately. 

"No one will ever hurt you again. I love you, f*ck them, i love you Ruby, I will always be here, no matter what." I kissed her again and she returned the kiss.

"I L-love you too Zoe, i'm...i'm just...scared."

"I know you're scared but, you need to know that i am always here." I pulled her close to me as she rested her head on my neck. Why the hell would someone want to hurt someone this amazing. 

She looked at me and gazed into my eyes but i knew how hurt she was and wrapped my arms around her to protect her. About twenty minutes later, she fell asleep in my arms so I picked her up and carried her to her bed. She wasn't very heavy so it was easy to carry her. I lead her on her pillow and she slowly woke up to the sight of me cuddling her. 

"Go to sleep, you've had a tough day!" I whispered into her ear.

I thought about her alone, without me, whilst she was being beaten up by people she didn't know. I held back tears i had created and slowly drifted to sleep.


I woke up to find Ruby still asleep. I looked over at the alarm beside her bed and noticed the time was 5:48, school had finished and to the sound of a door slamming shut. Ruby jumped awake, "Looks like we slept in, my mum's back."

I suddenly became nervous as i heard her mother walking upstairs.

"Ruby are you in there?" Her mother said.

"Yeah mum, come in if you want!" She shouted back, slight pain in her voice. "Don't worry."

I sat up on Ruby's bed with her as her mother walked in to the sight of Ruby hugging me.

"Sorry i didn't know you were here Zoe!" Her mother said, how did she know me?

"Zoe this is my mum!"

"Hello ma'am, sorry i'll go"

"No it's okay you can stay, Ruby told me all about you, oh, and you can call me Katia"

"Okay Ma...Katia"

"I'll leave you too alone, do you want to stay for dinner Zoe? Were having pizza, i'm sure Ruby would love that!"

"Yes, that would be great Katia, thank you!" She left the room closing the door behind her.

I glared at Ruby who giggled at me, "She knows about us?"

"Yes baby, of course she does, i told her all good, she's good with me being myself!"

"That's amazing, i'm sorry but my parents don't know about us yet and i want to tell them but i'm scared!"

"Don't be sorry, do they know you're Gay?"

"No, that's why also i'm scared, they're against gay rights and gay people and will hate me!"

"They will always love you, you're their daughter, tell them when you're ready but don't worry, you can always come and live with me!" She laughed hugging me.

Locker Buddy (GxG GirlxGirl) Ruby Rose Fan Fiction (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now