Chapter Three | Staying With You

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Chapter Three | Staying With You

Later on that day, Zayn woke up to the smell of food. He checked the digital clock and saw that it is six in the evening. He groaned out loud because he should have known not to go to sleep. It just messed up his sleeping schedule, and he felt kinda weird from sleeping for a long time.

Kae came from the kitchen when she heard him groan. He was sitting up wiping his sleepy eyes, he looked like a kid and she found it cute.

"You okay?" Kae asked walking in the living room.

Zayn looked at Kae and looked down at his lap and nodded. He didn't want to talk because he just woke up, and he would get his words jumbled up so he just nodded.

Kae bit her lip and slowly made her way over to him. She sat on the couch that he sat on but kept some distance between them.

"Are you thinking about going home anytime soon?" Kae asked softly. "Do you think people are looking for you?"

That he didn't want to do. Zayn didn't want to go home, he was perfectly fine here with Kae. But he did miss his mother dearly.

"I..I," he groaned because he wanted to tell her that he didn't want to go home. But then again, he didn't want to intrude her space. It was difficult for him.

"Take your time hun," she placed her hand on his back and he flinched away. She then murmured a 'sorry' and scooted away to give him some space.

He looked around and saw a pen and a piece of paper, he took a deep breath before writing on the piece of paper. After he was done he handed Kae the piece of paper and bit his lip nervously. Kae took the piece of paper and read it.

I don't know if anybody is looking for me..but I'll go if you want me to.

"You don't have to go Zayn. I was just wondering if anybody would come and look for you," Kae said to him.

" can..s-stay?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah if you want to," she gave him a smile and stood up from the couch. "Come on, food is ready."

Zayn got up from the couch and followed her into the kitchen like he would do if he was with his mother. Kae resembled almost like his mother. They were both caring and sweet. Maybe that's why Zayn opened up to her a bit more. It was rare for him to warm up to strangers, but he warmed up to Kae.

"I made homemade pizzas. I didn't know what you wanted so I made four different kinds," she said to him and handed him a paper plate.

Zayn though it was generous for her to cook for him. And to make him four kinds of pizzas to choose from.

Since it was already pre-sliced he went to go get one before he got smacked on the hand lightly.

"Did you think you could get a piece of pizza and not wash your hands? Ugh no mister, come wash your hands," Kae instructed as she washed her own hands.

Zayn rolled his eyes and put the paper plate down and went over to the large sink and washed his hands. She had strawberry soap that looked like foam when it came out of the nozzle. He giggled when he washed his hands because it felt a bit weird.

Kae raised an eyebrow at him, "What you giggling for?"

"S-sorry," he blushed then dried his hands.

"You're okay Zayn. You don't have to apologize," she said to him.

They both piled their plates with pizza. Kae got the pizza that had a lot of vegetables on it, Zayn groaned because he couldn't believe that she liked vegetables.

"You hatin' on my pizza dude?" Kae asked and he only rolled his eyes which made her jaw drop in shock. She didn't see that coming.

He absolutely hated vegetables but he knew that they were good for him. So he just stuck with cheese pizza.

"V-Veggies are..j-just ew," he shook his head and ate his cheese pizza.

"You are something else Zayn," she chuckled and happily ate her vegetable pizza.

The two sat on the couch and watched Family Feud with Steve Harvey. When the red 'x' buzzer appeared on the screen Zayn covered his ears and closed his eyes shut.

Kae grabbed the TV remote and turned the volume down, she turned to him and pulled his hands away from his ear.

"Zayn, it's okay. Calm down everything is fine Zayn, just breathe," she shushed his groans and his rambling. She rubbed smooth circles on the back of his hands and told him that everything is going to be fine.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. I guess she didn't realize that the volume was too loud on the TV. But now she knows.

"Open your eyes Zayn," Kae says softly, he opened both of his eyes slowly then looked down at their hands.

Her hands was surprisingly soft. He liked how the pad of her thumbs made circles on them, it calmed him down. But his hands started to get clammy so he pulled away.

Kae grabbed remote and turned the volume down then looked at him, "You okay now?"

He looked at her then looked away. He tugged at the collar of the shirt he wore and nodded.

"Good," Kae smiled. "Now, what do you want to watch?"

Zayn didn't watch TV like Kae did. He only watched TV if it was on. Either than that, he would go to sleep or occupy himself with something else.

When Kae didn't get a response she went to the TV guide and surfed through the channels. Many shows were on but she wanted to be considerate of Zayn.

"Do you want to watch Criminal Minds?" Kae asked, she didn't know what he liked to watch so she kept the choices open.

Zayn shook his head. He didn't like anything that dealt with death or killing.

"Okay," she went through different shows and movies that didn't revolve around any violence. She finally settled on a cartoon, Fairly Odd Parents.

Zayn brought his knees to his chest and watched the silly cartoon that he started to enjoy. He liked the cartoon graphics and the fact that the kid can make any wish at any time. It amused him.

And Kae felt relived that he was enjoying the cartoon. She also felt happy that he didn't want to leave. And plus, she didn't want him to leave. She liked his presence a lot, and she wanted to get to know the boy better.


2016 is almost over 😭 but anyway , I hold you guys are liking the book so far !!

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- BookOfBandz

promise | zayn malikOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora