Chapter Six | Austim

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Chapter Six | Autism

Autism, a word that Kae and most people didn't know. It wasn't a disease but most people thought of it that way. It was something that happened to many lucky people in the world, but other people didn't considered them lucky.

That considered them "different" or "weird" for that matter. For Kae, people was people and she accepted everyone for who they were. No matter if you had three heads or if you were in a wheelchair, she accepted you regardless.

When they first met, Kae didn't know what his deal was but she learned to accept him. She noticed that he was indeed different but she didn't treat him different. For god sake's, he was a complete stranger and yet she just befriended him yesterday.

"So y'all friends now?" Jerome asked Zayn who was smiling.

"Mh'yeah," Zayn said, he was very happy that he actual has a friend.

"Aren't we friends too? I feel left out," he pouted which cause Zayn to panic.

"W-wait! W-we..w-we can..c-can..b-be friends—,"

"I'm just playing kid, calm down," Jerome chuckled and watched how his face turned back to the natural tan color. Zayn didn't want Jerome to feel left out, that was the last thing he wanted to do.

Kae walked in with her hair in the ponytail. Her edges were slick back with a Nike headband and she wore sweats and a t-shirt. Zayn still thought she looked pretty.

"Liam is coming over," she said to no one in particular, but she wanted Zayn to know so he wouldn't freak out. Then she disappeared to the kitchen.

"W-who's L-Liam?" Zayn asked Jerome.

"Our friend, but don't worry he's very nice and chill," he said to him. "And he likes soccer."

"R-Really?" Zayn asked, he just got a bit excited to meet this Liam person.

"Yeah," Jerome says. "And did you know that Kae plays soccer?"

Zayn now put his attention in this conversation that he was having with Jerome. Well, Zayn didn't know that he was having a conversation because he knew that he wouldn't be able to have one with any person besides his parents. And plus, he was socially awkward and he didn't like getting into situations that would end up with him getting embarrassed.

"S-She does?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah, she used to play for our college but she stopped because she wanted to focus on school. I think you should talk to her about it since you like soccer too, don't you think?" Jerome questioned. And oh boy. he was doing on a good job with his little plan of hooking them together.

"Uhm..w-where is s-she?" Zayn asked getting up.

"She's in the kitchen..go talk to her," he nodded his head towards and gave him and smile.

Zayn nodded and left Jerome in the living room. He made his way to the familiar kitchen and saw Kae eating a sandwich.

"Hii," he said shyly, he grew nervous for some reason when he walked towards her. He never started a conversation with anyone because he knew from previous conversations that people would turn him down or look at him in a weird way. He would get rejected so many times that he would stop trying from people. So he kept to himself at all times. But this time was different. This time, he wanted to talk to Kae even though he knows that it will be risky. He'll still try.

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