Chapter Fifteen | Hugs

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Chapter Fifteen | Hugs

Niall was pretty pissed that their date ended early. Once he dropped her off at Zayn's house, he didn't say anything to her..he just sped off when she got out of the car.

Kae grew nervous when she walked up to the dark wooden door. She said a little prayer and pinched her arm for a while just to make sure that she wasn't dreaming and she wasn't.

She knocked on the door and waited for somebody to open the door. A couple minutes later, Harry opened the door and had a wide smile on his face. He grabbed her hand and practically dragged her into the house. She almost tripped because just to remind you that she was in heels and she was walking on tile floors.

When she got into the living room, she froze. There he stood, in a blue jumper and black skinny jeans. His hair was messy but it was cute. The faint bruise on his jaw was going away and he looked a bit pale. But he was standing there in front of her, looking very well.

"Oh Zayn," Kae threw her arms over his neck and hugged him tight. "I missed you so much."

Zayn didn't hug her back, he just groaned and started to mumble things underneath his breath.

" t-touching," he murmured but she didn't let go. "K-Kae g-get off."

She pulled away and smiled at the boy who had a frown on his face. If Kae didn't get off of him then he would have freaked out but Kae didn't care, she truly missed him.

"I'm sorry, I just really missed you Zayn," she said with a big happy sigh. "Did you miss me?"

"Mh'yeah," Zayn said shyly.

"I think I might cry," Harry sniffed, pretending to wipe some tears off his face. "Please get married and have kids."

Kae rolled her eyes, even though it didn't sound like a bad idea. Zayn just turned around so hide his pink cheeks.

"I'm so glad that you called me," Kae said to Harry. "Thank you."

"It's nothing," Harry shrugged cockily.

Kae walked over to Zayn and sat on the couch next to him. She had a huge grin on her face and she couldn't stop smiling. She was very happy.

A groan was heard from Zayn again when arms were wrapped around his torso. He raised his arms and looked at the girl who was on him again.

"K-Kae..p-please..g-get off," Zayn begged, this girl was definitely doing something to him.

"Okay fine," Kae sat up and looked at the boy and started to smile. "I'm just so happy."

"Oh," he said. " t-that nice?"

"It's very nice," she grinned. "You made my night."

"I..I did?" Zayn frowned, he felt like he didn't do anything.

Kae nodded, "Yeah."

Harry walked in and saw how close Kae and Zayn were. He murmured 'friends my ass' with a mischievous grin on his face. Kae glared at him which caused Harry to laugh. He liked teasing people, it was quite funny.

"Would you let Kae stay over Zayn? I don't think she has a ride back at her place," Harry says.

Zayn looked at Kae then looked away. He rarely had friends over, and none of them were a girl. He was a bit nervous because he didn't know what to do exactly, but of course he would let Kae stay. She was his friend and it would be the least he could do for her.

So he nodded which made Kae wrap her arms around him again which made him groan. She quickly got off and murmured a 'sorry'. Zayn didn't know why she did that, it was a bit annoying.

"You should show her around the house Zayn," Harry hummed, he was trying to give them an opportunity to get them alone and it might work.

"O-Okay," Zayn got up from the couch with Kae on his trails.

The sound of her heels clicking against the tile floor irritated him. He turned around and groaned. She frowned at him because she didn't know what was wrong. Zayn pointed to her shoes and said something that Kae didn't understand. So she slowly took her heels off which gave him a view of her chest, he shamefully looked away and blushed. When her heels was off and he sighed in relief because that would have bugged him.

Zayn showed her to a guest room and stood there awkwardly at the door. She placed her heels down which made her height decrease by a couple of inches, she was at her normal short height again.

"Do you have a shirt and some pants I can wear?" Kae asked.

He scratched his head and nodded. Kae was going to go and follow him but he shook his head. As if telling her not to come with him. Kae respected that and stayed in the room and waited for him until he came back.

Moments later he came in with spoke clothes. He shyly handed it to her then left the room quickly, it made her giggle to see him so nervous around her. She changed into the clothes that Zayn gave to her. It was a black long sleeve shirt that was one his favorites, and some blue basketball shorts that made her thighs and backside look a lot thicker.

She went downstairs and heard a woman talking. Kae found the living room and saw Trisha talking to Zayn on the couch.

"I'm sorry to say but your father has been locked up. He's going to spend a year in prison and we're getting a divorce. I can't tolerate your father anymore Zayn, I'm sorry but it has to happen," Trisha sighs.

Zayn closed his eyes and took a couple of deep breaths. He is now taking this all in, and it's hard to take in the fact that his father is actually going to jail. And that his father was the reason that he was in a coma for almost a month. He loved his father dearly but he didn't understand why it all turned so bad.

"I'm sorry sweetie," Trisha whispered and wiped the tear that fell down his face.

Zayn scooted closer to his mother and laid his head in her lap. He was thinking about life and what would happen in the future. There was no telling what would happen next.


sooo yeah 😭💓💓 .

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